1984 Orwell Warns of Despotic Government
In 1984 Orwell Describes a Totalitarian Regime That Most Americans Would Never Believe. The Reality, However, is That Big Brother is in Fact Watching You.
In the classic novel 1984 Orwell wrote years before in 1948; he foretold of a world run by dictators and a one world government split three ways according to the three sectors of the Earth.
They were the Soviet bloc, Asia and the West. We should take heed. Today, America faces the very real threat of this Orwellian nightmare coming to life.
Through the systematic erosion of the average American’s civil liberties, freedoms and rights, totalitarianism is slowly taking control of our nation, politically, economically and socially.
With the shadow government running the U.S. political system by installing key men in power to affect change in their favor and further enslave everyone else, the American government is rapidly turning into Big Brother.
Furthermore, the economic recession has been caused by the banks and the elitist bankers who run them are making things more difficult for the common people, so that they are forced to comply with the subversive laws of government.
They maintain control of the population socially by programming people via the mass media, turning viewers and listeners into passive consumers who are driven to buy, work, earn money, spend and generally ignore their potential as human beings.
The whole point of Orwell’s novel was to show common people what would happen if a totalitarian regime took complete control of countries and people.
With the formation of the European Union, the African Union and the approaching North American Union, the promise of an Orwellian nightmare is no longer a distant thought.
Watching and Controlling You
America has already become so like the world in 1984 Orwell foresaw. The United States is literally steps away from realizing the full extent of Orwell’s warning.
When George W. Bush passed the laws stating that he would get full dictatorial powers in the face of an emergency, most of the American people’s rights fell away immediately.
Obama has not changed these bad laws. If America has one more state of emergency, Obama will have the power to override the Supreme Court and Congress, take control of all business, civil services and trade.
It gets even worse since part of the law is that he can force you to work in a labor camp.
Does this sound like the America you think you know or more like Orwell’s novel? America is not the country you have been led to believe it is, and it is rapidly transforming into a police state.
Unfortunately, the media has made you think that although corruption and subversion exists, things will work out just fine, like they always do.
We have forgotten that things do not work like that in reality, only on the hypnotically flickering screens that too many people worship daily.
1984 Orwell: Fiction no Longer
Since 9/11, it has been as if a great power is making the final moves on the American people, to gain full and total control.
The once fictional RFID chips that will allow the government to trace your every move have already been implanted in clothes, shoes and people under the guise of public safety.
Once this happens, Americans will no longer have any freedom or privacy.
The government and the elite behind the scenes who aim to become the Big Brothers that Orwell feared they would, subscribe exactly to the twisted slogans of the fictional novel.
Was is Peace? No Way!
In 1984, one highly deceptive slogan propagated by Big Brother’s propaganda machine was:
“War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.”
– Orwell
Our American government fights a perpetual war in the Middle East, supposedly for peace.
The United States moved its military forces into their country to promote freedom, but they in fact have only further enslaved their people. The same thing is happening today in Afghanistan.
The entire American society seems designed to promote ignorance and rote memorization in its school systems and through the widespread consumption of controlled mass media and other forms of subliminal programming.
Like the 1984 Orwell wrote about, if people do not begin to wake up and reestablish their rights, it will only be a matter of time before the common people are all totally enslaved to the purposes of their wealthy masters.
The Debt to Success System Restoring America’s Freedom is helping do just that. Become a Member today to help our cause.