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Money Creation Truth is Important!

People Must Understand Money Creation Truth if They Are to be Free. The Federal Reserve Has Enslaved Us All to the Elite Bankers, but We Can Fight Back; End the Fed.

The Constitution doesn’t allow the private creation of money. Let’s take a look at some money creation truth, courtesy of excerpts from other quality sources.

 “In our society today, the private banks have a virtual monopoly on credit creation.

“Money, the means of exchange of all the necessary goods and services which we need to stay alive – the lifeblood of society – is issued into circulation largely at the say-so of private institutions, and only as interest-bearing debt.

“Society must go into debt in order to obtain virtually all its means of exchange. That is an astonishing state of affairs.

“The only part of our money supply which is debt-free is the notes and coins minted by government and consequently bought by the banking system.

“The revenue from the sale of these notes and coins is credited to the Treasury and represents an effective debt-free input to the public purse.

“The nature by which our money – our means of exchange – comes into society, raises fundamental political issues.

“These are not just obscure economic questions. They go to the very heart of what we understand as “democracy”.

“For example:

  • “Money is only available by going into debt. Why should we go into debt merely to create our medium of exchange?
  • “Why should a government – the one institution with the constitutional authority to create money – delegate this responsibility and power to the banking system?
  • “What does it mean for democracy – rule by the people, for the people, allegedly – when we are reliant upon the banking system for virtually all of our medium of exchange?
  • “Why do the politicians, professional economists and academics see no connection between the social problems associated with spiralling debt and the way money is created?

– Alistair McConnachie,

Publicly Created Money Needed

“This is a case of sovereignty and of the distribution of resources: it is the banks who decide who gets what now that a large part of people’s spending power comes from bank-created credit.

“We talk about the distribution of wealth but we have not even started on the distribution of credit.”

– Rosamund Stock.

“Our democratic argument is that it is wrong for virtually all our money supply to be created by private means.

“We need a publicly-created supply of money. We need to ensure that all the people have a stake in the creation of their means of exchange.

“We need to ensure that they reap the benefits of a publicly-created means of exchange.

“At the moment, those who reap the benefit from the present debt-based system, are the bankers who reap the interest, and the speculators who engage in currency manipulation and hostile takeovers.

“As Richard Greaves wrote in the November 2001 Prosperity, “For as long as the power to create money is in the hands of private interests who do it for profit and control, we can never say that we live in a democracy”.

“We want money for the people, by the people.”

– Alistair McConnachie,

The People are Robbed all Day Long

“Those banker guys are creating debt faster than they are creating money for us.

“And it is all win-win for the banklords and all lose-lose for us taxpayers. Ouch!

“A shortage of money causes money to lose its value, or buying power.

“That shortage also very neatly places a noose around the borrower’s neck because he-she can seldom find money to pay his-her interest bill.

“…And that is precisely what is causing our money shortage and debt problems in the American economy today.

“We hear it incorrectly called inflation.It is happening everywhere this very minute.

“One well known and deeply felt effect of the Fed’s debt money system seldom has its source traced and made public.

“Reference is made to credit removal. This is most certainly an inherent flaw in the Fed’s debt money system.

“Credit removal can be termed omission of real value. When the banklords create money as debt in their present routine, they omit the real value, namely real natural resources (excludes products) and real labor and services.

“But this is not just an omission – it is a robbery. For, in that manner they take the credit of us real workers and move it into the banklords’ treasure-troves.

“Monetary credit in this nation belongs to us people.

“We people and our own earth must be the only real basis for the creation, issuance and control of money.

“For, When we real people and our real productive earth cease to be a part of that money, that money moves off and leaves us.

“A main reason for the creation of money must be to move trade that is based on our real value.

“Currently, when the Fed and all banklords create debt money, they illegally usurp our people’s credit, leaving us without jobs and money to survive, and leaving trade stranded.

“This is just plain and simple robbery. Congress must stop this wholesale theft.

“This has to be one, extremely lousy video game that has the banklords as winners built in, and us as the losers. Bad.”

– Inflation.

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