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The National Debt Crisis Partly to be Blamed on the Federal Reserve

The National Debt Crisis Worsens at The Hands of The Federal Reserve.

The national debt crisis in America is turning a once prosperous nation into one that is being crippled with debt. 

If America doesn’t make changes soon the only thing government revenues will be able to do is pay the interest on the debt that is owed.

What this means to Americans is a major lack of funding for government services and programs such as health care and social security.

As well, the burden of this tremendous debt will be left for future Americans to struggle with, without hope of ever repaying it.

The implications of national debt are varied and widespread, affecting every citizen in America, shaping the way of their lives and their plans for the future economically, financially, and spiritually. 

Today in America, many families across the country are working two and three jobs just to make ends meet. 

The further in debt America falls the faster capital will diminish, capital that is needed to rebuild the current failing financial infrastructure. 

Jobs in the U.S. will continue to be lost, causing political conflict even more vicious than it is now, further confusing Americans and pushing solutions further into hiding. 

The cycle of debt needs to be addressed by all Americans if the future of the United States is to be saved. 

It’s important that people recognize the causes of national debt, in particular the Federal Reserve, which remains hidden behind the scene when it should be brought to the forefront of claiming responsibility.

What is National Debt?

When talking about the national debt crisis it’s important that you understand what national debt really is.

But first an explanation of the national deficit is needed. The national deficit is the amount of money the government spends every year over and above the taxes, tariffs, and revenue fees they bring in.

Congress needs to borrow money to make up the difference. 

It’s the accumulation of these yearly deficits that totals up to the current national debt crisis, a debt the American government borrowed and that has yet to be repaid.

To whom does the U.S. government owe all this debt? About 60% of the national debt is owed to foreign governments, states, corporations, and individuals.

This 60% pales in comparison to the remaining 40% that is owed to one and only one entity: the Federal Reserve. 

Federal Reserve Notes are Instruments of Debt

One reason a debt crisis exists today is because the money Americans use every day is in actuality not real money at all.

“Real” money, known as United States Notes, became obsolete in 1933 when House Joint Resolution (HJR)-192 was enacted. 

The intent of HJR-192 was to assign a uniform value to all “coins and currencies” in the U.S.

This meant that gold and silver certificates would no longer be accepted as currency.

And in its place, Federal Reserve Notes became the new currency, even though these very notes were not really money but rather pieces of paper without backing to them. 

The printing of money without gold or silver backing it is one of the main causes of all this debt Americans are facing today.

Before 1933 money that was printed was backed by an actual reserve of gold and silver.

If a recession or a market crash occurred, this reserve of “real” money would be the bailout. 

Federal Reserve notes, the money used today, has no backing of actual real money. Hence the serious situation of debt Americas are dealing with today. 

Since 1933 no one in America has been completely able to pay a debt.

The only thing that happens is a transfer of debt using Federal Reserve notes, resulting in debt that is perpetual.

It’s in this way that the Federal Reserve has led us to the current crisis and continues to plunge Americans into further financial ruin. 

Is there a Solution? 

So what can be done to work towards an end to the national debt crisis?

Politicians need to show the American public that they are ready and willing to face the reality of this crisis.

The financial system of the U.S. doesn’t need a private banking alliance to manage its money. 

Once the current financial crisis is over, Americans need to abolish the Federal Reserve and put the control of money back in the hands of Congress, just like the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended.

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