New Jersey Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Allegations of Obama
New Jersey Supreme Court was Approached Concerning Obama’s Original Birth Certificate.
The New Jersey Supreme Court system does not feel that the allegations that Barack Obama is one that they should take seriously.
Philip Berg was the first attorney in New Jersey that posed this possibility of him not being a natural born U.S. citizen which is what is required by our constitution of the President of the United States.
Berg continues to date to pursue this issue not because of trying to undermine the President but because he feels that this is something that is important to our nation.
The New Jersey Supreme Court should have been the next step taken by Berg after the dismissal in the district court due to the fact that the judge decided in this case that there was no direct injury to Berg and threw the case out.
Therein lays the root of the problem; why would the New Jersey Supreme Court not pick up and hear the evidence that was available to them from Berg?
What caused them to look away?
Original birth certificates have to be used for a number of things today and should be kept by everyone.
If Barack Obama’s birth certificate is sealed can he not have it unsealed?
What is behind all the secrecy especially when he is going into a public office as important as the President for the United States?
Now You See It Now You Don’t
On the Home Front
People are ask that they presented an original birth certificate and do not take this as an affront.
Why is this issue such a hardship for him to stop all of this nonsense and let the nation know by presenting an original birth certificate to the courts. The New Jersey Supreme Court should have handled this matter.
It should have taken place before the election and the need arose to carry it to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The United States Supreme Court has refused to take this case on.
It sounds like that these court systems know something we don’t know. Now it seems they are afraid to come forward and do their jobs.
One Excuse is as Good as Another
The excuse that dockets are full is unacceptable with the great importance of this problem.
The presentation of a fake birth certificate on you tube does not help his case what so ever.
Does the CFR have anything to do with this and why he is not being made to produce evidence that he was born in the US.
If he is not a US natural born citizen then what will happen.
Even if Obama was adopted and his birth record was sealed you would think that with the nature and importance the U.S. Supreme Court would do the job that it is suppose to and get the proof needed to support the constitutional laws of the United States.
Do as I Say and not as I Do
How can you ask others to produce an original birth certificate when the President of the US doesn’t?
He is supposed to set an example and this non action that Obama is taking is not making his case anymore believable that he was born in Hawaii.
The people want the proof of his legitimacy as a natural citizen.
This is something that should not be left out there hanging completing a lot of people’s perception of a government that is so corrupt that they don’t have to follow any laws.