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Inside the Washington State Child Protective Services

Corrupt Washington State Child Protective Services.

Washington State child protective services are built by the department of government to destroy families and take away children.

This government empire makes tons of dollars by illegally kidnapping children and selling them in adoption cases as well as placing them in foster homes for federal funding.

Reports come from all over the nation and the state about cases of child abuse that are incorrect, but not well investigated before removing children from their family’s homes.

The elite group is comprised of individuals who have extreme power and control over the government and the world.

Their goal is to take over the entire world with the North American Union and the first order of business is to destroy the family first.

In order to bring the family down to its financial and emotional needs the elite planners that include the Bilderberg group, control the department of government that is supposed to protect the family.

They use this entity of government as a scapegoat to carry out their dirty plans of taking children away from their parents.

They put the children in the foster system and use them for various reasons; one of which includes shady adoptions, teen pregnancies and drug racketeering schemes.

The Washington State child protective services are used to house teens who are forced to get pregnant so that the elite planners can use those children in their adoption schemes.

They also plan drug runs and use the juveniles confiscated from families to carry out their schemes for them.

Those children that have behavioral problems are put into a program where prescription drugs are administered to them as a form of cure for AHDH.

Doing so will put more federal funding into the program and feed the pharmaceutical company’s pocket.

Keep Them Away from You

The Covert Operation

The Washington State child protective services are getting all of their funding from the Federal Government and usually know a year in advance how much funding they will receive.

For each child, the agency gets $85,000 and more if the child has a behavioral problem.

If they do not meet the child quota for the year, they funding is taken away from the agency.

So to meet that quota, they engage in child kidnapping.

It only takes one person to erroneously report a child abuse case and the agency goes into action.

They become terrorists and vigilantes that go into the home of families that don’t know their rights.

They go in without a search warrant and sometimes want to speak to the child alone.

A police officer will often accompany the case worker and will use scare tactics to intimidate the parents.

No investigation is done by the officer and they take the child away immediately.

The School System

The public school system is another avenue used by the elite planners of the Bilderberg group.

They employ teachers and administrators that are instructed to question the child about whether their parents are abusing them or not.

They use leading questions that may sometimes confuse the child and corner them into admitting something that is not true.

The Washington State child protective services and their case workers take it from there and move in to confiscate the child from school without the parent’s knowledge.

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