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U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Against Constitution

The Banking Cabal Private Owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Control the Value of Our Money and Thus the Functioning of America Itself.

The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) is a privately owned company that controls the value of the dollar and keeps Americans in perpetual debt.

It continues to funnel cash into the country, which means that cash has a lower value than the money of the past.

The Fed prints all money in the U.S. without cost and then loans it back to U.S. citizens, as well as the Federal government, at large interest rates.

The Fed also buys debt from the U.S. government after printing off money at the U.S. Treasury.

That debt is tacked onto the U.S. national debt, which continues to grow on a yearly basis with no end in sight.

In the U.S. Constitution, Congress is granted the power to print money, although they have passed that power onto the Fed.

The Constitution was written in that way because the founding fathers realized a central bank would easily be the downfall of this nation.

To prove that point, working citizens of the U.S. are stuck with the bill created by the Fed, and thus have to pay upwards of 40% of their taxes to the Fed.

Even though the founding fathers knew a central banking system would be a bad idea, the government could not stand up against the powerful institution.

The Fed is able to remain in power by funding elected officials and controlling areas of the government and media.

It does not try to buy good press, but instead works to stay out of the press so it can continue to run its operations under the radar of the American public.

The internal records of the Fed are kept secret to the point that no one knows what goes on except for the owners.

While other banks are not granted that luxury, the Fed does not have to worry about any kind of intrusion.

Without ever having been audited, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank could easily be defrauding citizens of the United States without having to answer to their crimes.

It is safe to say fraud is a part of the US Federal Reserve Bank practices, as it is able to grow its monopoly without having anyone to answer to.

Even if the government started checking in on the activities of the Fed, the crimes of the past would never be realized.

There is no way to know the amount the Fed has defrauded the public.

All citizens can do is cut their losses of the past and work to keep this problem from occurring again.

However, the government will not make this easy, as it is on the side of the Fed, for better or for worse.

The government, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, works to keep the issues quiet, allowing this corrupt and dangerous system to continue running so they can all get their pockets lined with more of the dirty money.

While certain elected officials are benefiting greatly by this, more and more people fall below the poverty line.

Even those who are above the poverty line have found out their money no longer stretches as far because of the dangerous inflation that rises on yearly in the country.

Citizens need to understand this bank has full control over the United States.

When this issue is fully exposed, the true nature of corruption in federal government will be realized.

There are many elected officials that have dipped their hands into the pockets of wealth.

The current Fed started with Woodrow Wilson, which later he realized he had made a devastating mistake that would cost the American people greatly.

Now there are many more interested parties, so if we are ever to stand a chance, the citizens of the U.S. are going to have to band together in order to fight this problem.

The Truth and the Problems

Greed can lead to corruption, and that is the case regarding the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.

A monopoly has been created where U.S. citizens and the government alike are borrowing money from a privately held company.

The government should never be forced to borrow its own currency.

Inflation and the Fed

A non-government entity controls the money in the United States.

That means the more money they print, the more interest they can charge.

When the government is in debt, it would make sense for them to print money and then handle the debt. However, that is not what happens.

The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank prints the money, then loans it to the government.

The idea behind this goes against the Constitution, monopoly regulations and, most importantly, citizen rights.

The government has given in to greed and, instead of watching out for its people, has allowed itself to be bought and sold.

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