PC Satellite TV
New PC Satellite TV; Hundreds of Entertaining Channels to Distract From America’s faltering Constitution.
PC satellite TV offers approximately 3000 channels from around the world, stations that offer movies, sports, news, weather, education and radio amongst many others.
The entertainment options that come with having satellite TV on your PC are so numerous that it often proves difficult to make a choice about what to watch.
The overwhelming amount of entertainment options in America is not necessarily a good thing.
While we spend hours absorbed by entertainment, our Constitution is increasingly coming under attack.
The U.S Patriot Act was opportunistically passed after the tragic events of 9/11, and it remains as active legislation today.
The law sinisterly increased the power of law enforcement to act inconsistently with the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution.
We were conned into accepting a law that was prepared before the events of September 11th to ensure that many of our civil liberties were taken from us.
Recently, a sixteen years old boy has unjustly fallen prey to the treacherous force of the Patriot Act.
Are we aware that people are still being threatened with the injustices of the Patriot Act, or are we so absorbed by entertainment that we have failed to notice?
Is It of More Value than Your Freedom?
America was founded as the land of the free, and the Constitution was ratified for the protection of our rights and freedoms.
However, our government has increasingly consolidated more power through a sly attack on our Constitution.
Obama is trying to take our Second Amendment right to bear arms away as well.
He is slyly trying to sneak through a back door gun ban despite the fact that he promised he would uphold our Constitutional liberties.
Have you pondered why he would want to do this?
The founders established the right of the people to keep and bear arms in order to rebel against government tyranny and corruption.
Our only defense against tyranny is being taken from us.
Judicial Immunity for Corrupt Practices
AT&T and Verizon telecommunication companies acted illegally when they aided the warrantless Bush domestic wiretapping program.
These companies abused our trust and freely gave our private information to the government, and yet they are being rewarded for it, rewarded with judicial immunity.
The same goes for government. When will we cease to see our politicians pardoned for corrupt practices that go against our Constitution; wiretapping, illegal torture, gun bans, approved toxic pharmaceuticals?
When will we despise these practices that blatantly fly in the face of the law?
Put PC Satellite TV into Perspective
While we spend hours browsing through the unlimited amount of channels offered by satellite TV on our PC’s, there is an elitist rogue element within our federal government that is orchestrating a worldwide takeover.
The corporate and banking elite are orchestrating a one world government, a global police state.
The longer we allow our Constitution to be undermined, the closer we will move towards these sinister elitist plans.
We need to fight the Patriot Act, oppose the FISA Amendment Act, say no to the proposed CIFTA treaty, and we need to call our politicians to account for illegal practices.
PC satellite TV is a fantastic innovation, but it will mean nothing if we lose our freedom.
Defend the law of our land before America is overcome by the lawlessness of the powers that be.