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Socialism and Barack Obama

Socialism and Barack Obama Mean Income Distribution and the Forced De-Stabilization of the Free Market Economy for the Sole Benefit of the Banking Elite.

Socialism and Barack Obama mean income distribution.

The U.S. is in a dangerous place today as a segment of our population has determined in their greedy brains that it is the government’s job to provide all of their protection, provision and prosperity.

This segment has figured out the government doesn’t have the money to give them everything they want, so the rest of us working citizens must pay for it.

This is a further aspect of the banking elite’s efforts to destabilize America. The worse we crumble, the easier we are to control.

This is the politics of envy, income redistribution and a socialist mainstay.

Tax the rich has become the cry of the left, and this has become falsely described as a moral imperative.

Ninety percent of America’s millionaires are first-generation rich.

To tax them because you think it is a moral imperative is legalizing governmental theft from our brightest, most charitable, and most productive citizens.

These are the people who provide the jobs.

If their wealth is taxed half to death who is going to be able to afford to hire workers and provide benefits?

Who will want to be wealthy if their money will be taken awy through taxes because there is no incentive to work hard.

Surrender all Your Cars

Suppose there was a law that you must surrender all your cars to the government because it is the moral imperative of anyone who owns cars to support the latest governmental program.

Wouldn’t that be a violation of private property rights and simply morally wrong?

This new moral imperative to redistribute wealth is no different from that. It’s the same difference!

The politics of envy needs to be rethought. It sows the seeds of destruction when you punish the money-makers of our culture.

If you think taxing the populace to support government programs is the best way, then support a flat tax or a national sales tax, not income redistribution.

This is all a ploy by the elite to divide America even more than it already is. By dividing us they feel they can conquer us for their New World Order.

Some would complain loudly about paying a set percentage of their income, but if everyone else did, that’s fair, right?

This idea of the government taxing your neighbor and not you just because the neighbor has succeeded needs to stop.

This world does not have a Utopia and it never will. It is not a moral imperative to spread the wealth around just because that would be fair.

Life is basically not fair, especially when the elite are stacking the cards in their favor.

Politicians act like people become wealthy through immoral acts rather than by working hard and making money.

This is our money and it is being flushed down the toilet. Why is it OK to confiscate money and not other material things?

Would it be right for the government to force someone with a large home, Al Gore’s home for example, and have them open portions of it to people who own smaller homes out of fairness?

Come on wouldn’t that be fair, we all need to share of our wealth, correct?

Well if that’s what you believe then invite some others less fortunate to come and live with you.

This is what you are signing up for with socialism and Barack Obama.

This vision isn’t that extreme when you look at the facts and who’s backing Obama.

Socialism and Barack Obama

Should families with three cars be forced to give one up for families who have only one car, out of fairness?

If not, then why is it OK for the government to take money out of your pocket in the same fashion?

These scenarios could go on and on and they would all be ridiculous. This is reality, this is what socialism brings.

Yes Barack Obama is a trained socialist and proud of it!

Socialism and Barack Obama go together like dirt and water. It makes mud.


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