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Intentions of Speech Recognition by Machine

Speech Recognition by Machine Could Mean a More Terrifying Reality Than What is Being Promoted.

Speech recognition by machine is being passed off as a wonder of modern technology.

Do not be fooled by the convenience this creates.

This technology in the hands of the banking mafia will be used as just another method of control and manipulation.

We are already seeing this start to happen as they market this technology at the handicapped.

Who can argue with helping handicapped people reap the benefits of things like the Internet?

This is exactly what they want you to think and the more we accept their falsified intentions we are giving in to a world that will be dominated by 24 hour surveillance.

Speech recognition by machine poses a dangerous problem to anyone that wants to keep the things they do, places they go, and conversations they partake in to be private as they should be.

We are being told that speech recognition is not the same as voice and speaker recognition but do not be swayed by these sentiments because in the end they are all one in the same.

The power of voice recognition means that they are able to detect your voice and assess who you are just by the specific acoustic signals your voices give out.

This is used much like a retinal scan or a fingerprint and is being used to keep tabs on people more and more as time and technology progress.

We are even seeing this be done with things like Xbox live where voice recognition software has the capacity to record what you say and determine who you are.

Speech Recognition by Big Brother

The problems that technology are starting to pose to the average person is something that has only been imagined in a science fiction novel/movie.

We are now being faced with the horrifying reality of giving up all of our privacy as we marvel over the creation of things like voice and face recognition.

The Xbox is probably the most frightening of the bunch.

This is something that unsuspecting parents are going to get for their kids not knowing that there is a camera and microphone that can be activated by a third party.

This will allow governments to monitor and record your every action inside your home.

Speech Recognition by Microphone

We are already starting to see a microphone embedded on just about everything and this is what is making it possible for us to be spied on by Big Brother.

We are allowing this to happen as we sit and think how “cool” all this new technology is.

When the simple truth is that it’s all just another system of control.

Banking Mafia in Complete Control

The more we see technologies of this caliber and with this much magnitude we are all falling susceptible to a world that is under constant surveillance.

RFID, biometrics, and the Global Positioning System (GPS) are all going to make sure every thing we do is monitored.

This is where this is all headed and speech and facial recognition is just the beginning of a long list of technological advances that are going to be used against the people on this planet.

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