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Why are there Spy Satellite Images?

Government Illegally Uses Spy Satellite Images.

Domestic spying? 

Sure, there can be threats within the borders of the United States or other countries. 

What should each nation’s leadership do to combat any such issues? 

Create a large workforce of agents and staff dedicated to monitoring and controlling those who enter the borders? 

Isn’t it easier just to be a bit lax, understaffing critical entrance points, and instead implement a great domestic spying system? 

That seems to be an increasing method in many Western countries.

From spy satellite images of citizens doing their errands and riding in their cars to illegal monitoring of telecommunications including emails and cell phones, many countries are turning their protective forces on their own citizenry. 

Is it protection, or the first signs of a conversion to a police state? 

Big Brother Has Arrived

Everywhere You Turn

Take a walk down any busy city street and you are likely to encounter a handful of security cameras. 

This closed circuit equipment is one area of serious skepticism by those concerned about privacy.

How private can our daily lives actually be if the potential for round the clock monitoring exists? 

On the streets and in the skies, many Western societies pay strict attention to huge swaths of their population through electronic and technological innovation.

What is troubling is that few, if any, of those observed should be scrutinized at all. 

In the United States the U.S. Patriot Act and the broad wiretapping and spying powers it contains were implemented in order to help fight the War on Terror.

There are other even more sinister issues at hand that could even further reduce American civil liberties. Consider the Verichip.

It is a tiny device intended to be implanted in the flesh of the individual and serve to assist medical professionals by containing the entire medical history of the person in whom it is contained.

Sounds great, but the problem is that it can do so much more! 

Every Step You Take

Spy satellite images can all ready pinpoint an individual’s relative location, but ‘chipping’ could be the same as placing a GPS unit inside of them. 

In July of 2008 the Bush administration admitted that the nation owned satellites that were all ready fully operational, and whose mission it was to spy strictly on those within the United State’s borders.

This means that spy satellite images and tracking data could all ready exist around tens of thousands, or even more, Americans or those temporarily living and working within the country. 

This does not bode well for privacy or civil liberties. In addition to the fact that such tracking systems are all ready in place, the knowledge that they are military devices and systems adds a further element of fear to their presence. 

Of course, anyone concerned about this approach to national security is usually told that it is their best interest to comply with this ‘necessary’ system.

Never Surrender! 

It was Benjamin Franklin who said: 

“People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.”

As one of the more cosmopolitan and worldly of the Founders, Franklin’s perspective could said to have been influenced from other events around the world, but there is also a simple and universal truth to his admonition.

Perhaps one that should be taken into consideration by those very same people who would use spy satellite images of private citizens for things far outside the needs of security.

What does that mean? Let’s take a quick look back at that Verichip.

It is designed to be implanted in the body, but currently the Verichip technology is all ready at work in some major credit cards.

This means that all of a consumer’s purchasing data is being maintained in a database somewhere, and that when they are carrying that card they are easily traced by satellite technology. 

The world can be a lonely place, but perhaps if the major world governments have their way, none of us will truly ever be alone.

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