Terrestrial Trunked Radio Problems
How Terrestrial Trunked Radio is Slowly Killing People.
Terrestrial trunked radio, also known as TETRA, has become the preferred means of communication for the United Kingdom’s police, fire and emergency medical personnel.
Large telecom companies lobbied their government to install the system which offered better security for transmissions.
Thousands of TETRA masts, much like our cell phone towers, have been installed all over England, Whales, and Scotland… as well as other European nations.
Despite complaints of the serious medical side effects of this technology, the government continues to promote and defend its use.
These politicians have been bought and paid for by the multi billion dollar communications industry.
Part of the global elite of the most influential and wealthiest corporations and individuals, these companies are more than happy to sacrifice the health and lives of thousands in order to pad their bottom lines.
They see the laws and will of the people as an impediment to their goal of true control.
If laws interfere with their mission they simply side step them using corruption and coercion.
They have bankrolled the campaigns of politicians and leaders all around the world and collect their debt through approvals of controversial programs like terrestrial trunked radio.
While money may be their immediate goal, their long-term sights are set on usurping national sovereignty completely.
They aim to stop having to play along with the charade of democratic governments and finally tighten the noose around the necks of the world’s freedom loving peoples.
How Terrestrial Trunked Radio Kills
TETRA harms living tissue because it is comprised of low frequency radiation.
These waves are constantly emitted from the TETRA masts poisoning people who live in the area closest to them.
Unlike cell phone towers this radiation is constantly being emitted and beamed out through the network, not just when a call is being made.
When a call is made the radiation spikes, making the end user the recipient of large doses of toxic microwaves.
The scientists behind this technology got it approved by the British government because they could prove that the microwaves did not heat biological matter to a point that could cause damage.
Just because these waves don’t cook people doesn’t mean they aren’t disruptive to the human body and brain.
Future of Control
TETRA communications systems are constantly running and you can track anyone on the network at any time.
This falls right into the hands of the global banking elite and their plans for New World Order.
These financial oligarchs want nothing more than an oppressive police state which will rule the planet with an iron fist, delivering their money and power on demand.
In order to do this they need a sure fire way to track and identify people around the globe.
While in its current incarnation TETRA would not work for total tracking, with a few minor adjustments it could provide real time tracking of anyone in the world.
If the TETRA network was expanded throughout the world and people were injected with RFID chips that transmitted vital data when zapped, they could completely control the population.
More so, those who were breaking the New World Order’s laws could easily be given large doses of microwaves which would infect them with cancer, disrupt their brain functions and kill them.
Think it’s too far fetched? The CIA and U.S. government already have crowd control weapons based on this technology.