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Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs to Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet

Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs To Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet

Holistic Medicine Holistic medicine is art and science of healing addresses the whole person body, mind, and spirit. Medicine integrates and treat disease.As I am constantly saying, “be the change you wish to see in the world,” I try to put my money where my mouth is.  There is no sense in exposing big pharma and reporting on scandal after scandal without offering some sort of alternative on what we can do individually to put these corrupt pharmaceutical companies out of business

With a strong drive towards a return to a more natural way of living, medicinal herbs are growing in popularity versus relying on over-the-counter or prescription concerns for something that can easily be remedied naturally.

For thousands of years, medicinal herbs were all that humans had to cure their ailments.Some herbs, such as peppermint, have long been known for their abilities to soothe aching bellies and of course help to freshen breath. You may just be surprised at some of the other types of benefits that can be garnered by growing your own herbs.

Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs To Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet

The History Of Medicinal Herbs

From marijuana to catnip, there are hundreds of remarkably common herbs, flowers, berries and plants that serve all kinds of important medicinal and health purposes that might surprise you.  Archaeologists have discovered evidence that early man used crude herbal pastes as a means of soothing insect bites and treating ailments.

The ancient Chinese and ancient Egyptians offered the most descriptive account of the plants and herbs that they used to treat ailments; they used herbs to treat everything from a toothache to a belly ache, and from complications with childbirth to issues with mother’s producing enough milk to nourish their babies.

Growing your own medicinal herbs and plants is a great way to incorporate good health into your life. These herbs are recommended for their wide range of health benefits and basic healing properties. What’s especially nice is that you can grow them in a home herb garden and you don’t have to be an experienced gardener to do it!  Here are 10 medicinal herbs you can grow right at home!

  1. Lavender is a popular herb to grow because of the intoxicating scent offered by this herb. The gorgeous purple-hued flowers are also attractive to butterflies, bees, and even hummingbirds. Every gardener can agree that you can never have too many of these great winged beauties in your garden. Lavender is also a great addition to potpourri, and when steeped into a tea can help to provide a sense of calm and relaxation. Lavender tea has also been shown to reduce pain, and the soothing scent of this herb is also known for being a natural calmative in the home. When applied as a part of a poultice to cuts and bruises, lavender can also function as an antiseptic.Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs To Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet
  2. Dandelions are one of the most multipurpose herbs there are. The blossom is used to make jelly. The petals are added to salads and as an edible flower addition to summer dishes. The root is also used, dried and ground as a substitute for coffee. As a medicinal plant, the blossom is added to oil and infused, to relieve aching muscles. The leaf and root are used in teas, tinctures, salves, and oils as a liver tonic, soothing skin, and muscle herb.
  3. Peppermint is well known for being an excellent choice for soothing stomach upset, but it can also help to promote positive digestion, while also working to help prevent uncomfortable gas. The refreshing taste of peppermint tea has also been shown to help soothe stress and tension, while also helping to ease headaches related to both.             Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs To Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet
  4. Chamomile is a gentle soother for teas and skin washes.  As a disclaimer, if an individual has an allergy to ragweed, they may react to chamomile with the same symptoms. This is rare but should be mentioned. Another effect that should be at least mentioned, is that there is some proof that chamomile is a blood thinner.
  5. Rosemary is a great addition to your daily routine because of the way it helps with boosting memory and concentration. Rosemary can help to boost your mood and sweeten your breath after a garlicky meal.
  6. Sage can help to soothe coughs and general throat irritation. Sage has also been known to reduce the length and the severity of colds and sinus congestion. It’s also helpful to clear your home of negative electromagnetic energy by burning a sage stick.        Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs To Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet
  7. Lemon balm has been used for a long time to help deal with restlessness, anxiety and insomnia. It also has antiviral and antibacterial properties, so it’s just a good, all-around health boost. With it’s gentle, lemony flavor, it’s a great addition to an herbal infusion for kids or as a straight lemon balm tea to help reduce the duration of colds and flus. In summertime, grow your own and use it as an easy, natural topical treatment for insect bites, minor scrapes and such; just apply a fresh, crushed lemon balm leaf to the affected area.
  8. Thyme. Chances are you already have a container of dried thyme in your spice drawer, and you’ve used fresh sprigs of this one on your roast chicken or in your famous roasted vegetable dish. Thyme has a distinct flavor which combines well with all sorts of savory dishes. Not only does thyme taste great, it’s good for you. It’s been used for tummy cramps, gas and as an expectorant. It also has antioxidant and antiseptic properties, so it can be helpful in fighting infections, colds, and flu. Thyme is a perennial you can grow yourself. It may need protection in cold winter weather (cover with mulch).
  9. Aloe vera is well known as a skin-friendly plant. It is one medicinal plant people really make use of since it is generally safe and requires no processing before use. It is a must-have in every garden whether you grow it in pots or in the ground.    Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs To Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet
  10. Basil. The main use of basil medicinally is as a natural anti-inflammatory. It is similar to the compounds found in oregano and medical marijuana – and may be used as a substitute for the later because it offers the same relief without the “high.” The same compound that makes it useful as an anti-inflammatory is also believed to help combat bowel inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis.Many naturopathic doctors prescribe basil in the treatment of diabetes, respiratory disorders, allergies, impotence, and infertility.  Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs To Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet

Concerns: Talk to your physician or pharmacist before using if you are taking prescription medications; the chance for herb-drug interaction is high.

1 Comment on - Screw Pharma: 10 Herbs to Keep in Your Holistic Medicine Cabinet

  • Michelle September 23, 2021 Reply

    Great article! Thank you for sharing this informative post, and looking forward to the latest one.

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