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Farmers Against Genetically Modified Foods

An Alliance Against Genetically Modified Foods is Much Needed. The FDA Offers no Protection to Health, People Must Stand Up and Refuse Genetic Tampering.

While many Americans are against genetically modified foods, it is apparent that we have all been exposed to foods that have been genetically altered.

The elite group under the umbrella of the agricultural business has used this medium to pursue a profitable existence without being concerned about the potential hazard of what this can do to Americans.

The government has failed to institute regulations and have intentionally disguised their oversight of this serious matter.

The environmental health and economic hazards far outweigh any other concerns.

There are many children in the United States alone that have developed allergic reactions to certain foods and we wonder why.

Many parents are against genetically modified foods because they realize the harm it can cause when you eat them.

The Marketplace

When these elite planners bring the GM food to the market place, it can be a very pricy and long process.

However, they will increase the prices considerably to make sure that they get a profitable return on the investment that they initially made.

The slick planners will patent these plants in the case of any infringements so they can make more money in the court system as well if there is any violation of their patenting.

Another ploy to patenting these plants is that it will raise the price of seeds more and put more money in the pockets of this elite group of people.

Farmers too are against genetically modified foods because they think that they will not be able to afford the price of these seeds.

This, therefore, widens the gap between those who are wealthy and those who are poor.

The Rockefeller Foundation has been said to offer a humanitarian signal to the world of offering their products at a reduced price to nations that are impoverished.

However, there is also a profit in it for the foundation. The Rockefellers don’t do anything that is not profitable to them.

The power of Government

Even though there should be a regulator process against genetically modified foods for all countries; United States is among the most confused.

There are too many government agencies that are in the mix of this delicate issue.

The EPA is supposed to do the evaluation of the GM plant to make sure that it is environmentally safe.

The USDA is in the process of evaluating the safe growth of this plant in the USA.

The FDA is assigned to evaluate the safety of consuming this plant internally.

With so many powers of government involved in the process, it is a set up for disaster.

This is why you find so much food poisoning in the United States and recalling food items from the grocery shelves.

The FDA spends much of their time concerned about the pharmaceutical aspect of it because they are assigned by the elite group to make sure that the regulation is loose enough to make them a profit.

The FDA seems to assume the regulations that GM foods are the same as foods that are natural and therefore will lift all these regulations to the amusement of the elite group.

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