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The Elite Controlled Education System

The American Education System Took a Turn For the Worse When Bill Clinton Signed Off on the Goals 2000 Legislation. NWO Rulers Make Policy to Dumb-Down America.

The American education system has purposely failed our children. The elites have taken the reins and steered our young people toward a life of servitude.

Our students are no longer taught to be critical thinkers; they’re taught to serve the privileged.

In None Dare Call it Education, John Stormer does a great job in illustrating how the elite have overtaken the United States education system.

Instead of producing thinkers, the idea is now to produce workers in the New World Order grid. At one point Stormer is describing President Clinton’s 1994 legislation:

Goals 2000 Educate America Act (HR1804), School-to-Work Opportunities Act (HR2884), and Improving America’s School Act (HR6).

Stormer explains how this legislation transfers education power into the hands of unelected Federal agents.

This is part of the elite design to raise a generation of children who have no idea how this country was formed, what a Republic means or what ideas such as freedom and liberty mean.

The goal? Simply to produce a government loving group of people who gladly work where they’re told and happily allow their paychecks to be raided by a criminal banking cabal.

Education System: From Thinkers to Workers

An excerpt from Stormer’s book:

“The three laws encompass several thousand pages. What do those laws say, and what will they do?

“All three laws presented idealistic, high sounding goals with which almost anyone could agree. However, when their provisions are dovetailed together the net effect is a massive transfer of power.

“During a five-year period ending in 2001, control over education and employment practices will move from individuals, families, local and state school systems, state legislatures and employers to the unelected National Skills Standards Board and State Workforce Development Boards.

“Washington’s power (and money) will by then have transformed local schools, shifting the purpose of education from creating thinkers to training workers.”

Education System: Work Based on Region

Holland’s stories show what happens as STW is impemented. He Reported:

“In Las Vegas, Nevada young Ashley Jensen, who has a 4.0 GPA, dreams of one day going to work for NASA. However, her middle-school career assessment says that her choices ought to be between sanitation worker and interior decorator.

“Another Nevada student aspires to be a veterinarian, but was told by her counselor that she ought to become a bartender.

”Her Christian parents understandably felt that their rights had been trampled; they would not want their daughter to become a server of alcoholic drinks.

“How could this happen?

“Under the School-to-Work system, students are matched to what bureaucrats in Workforce Development Boards believe will be the future employment needs in the region.

”Obviously Las Vegas has more future needs for bartenders than for veterinarians.”

Education System: Choose Your Slave Labor by Eighth Grade

Holland’s examples continued:

“In Dresden, Ohio, high school students can use two class periods a day to learn basket-weaving on the job at a local manufacturing company. The students receive academic credit. The company gets to sell the baskets at a profit.

“Before entering Milwaukee’s Hamilton High School, students in eighth grade must choose the ‘career cluster’ they will pursue.

“A student in the Health and Human Services Cluster, for example, studies such profound subjects as food service, fashion and fabrics, parent-hood education, and human diversity while not being required to take any foreign language.

”Core subjects like English are integrated into the vocational training.”

Education System: Educate Yourself & Become Free

To sum up the matrix you live in, the people who are the producers in America are being scammed by the banking elite. Free yourself right-away in a DTSS Complete Freedom Membership Program.

While the producers slave away and live in their little shack homes, the bankers create money from nothing and steal the wealth of the land through the Federal Reserve, the illegal United States central bank.

The bankers produce nothing and contribute nothing but misery and slavery to the people.

Educate yourself further on the corrupted education system. Educate yourself on why your debt is impossible to pay off because the interest must be paid with more borrowed money.

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