Veterans for 911 Truth Seek Answers
Veterans for 911 Truth Want Answers to What Really Happened on September 11.
Veterans for 911 Truth are just one group out of many who disagree and challenge the official account of the 9/11 events.
There are many (anyone willing to see beyond the lies) who disagree with the many inconsistencies in the official report of 9/11.
And there have been many attempts to reopen the investigation into the events that occurred before, during, and after the attacks.
Some of the questions that people want answered are why were the standard procedures for dealing with hijacked planes not followed on 9/11 and why did the Secret Service let President Bush finish his visit at the elementary school without any apparent concern for himself or the safety of the children?
There is much evidence to support the belief that the World Trade Center towers were brought down through a precisely controlled demolition and not by attacking planes.
Evidence also exists to support the issue that Flight 93 was shot down in Pennsylvania and not brought down by hijackers.
Veterans for 911 Truth also want to know why the press and media in the United States failed to ask many of the questions that are being asked today by people who want to know the truth.
The 9/11 Commission was supposedly put in place to find answers about the attacks, but the budget for the commission was much less than other commissions before it, such as during the Challenger Disaster, it was clearly not put together for any reason other than smoke-and-mirrors to give the impression that it was not he U.S. Government that perpetrated the attacks.
These are the issues and questions that 9/11 Veterans want answered.
Veterans for 911 Truth Mission
The mission of the Veterans for 9/11 is to restore true values, honesty, and leadership back to America, as they believe that by providing collected evidence of what happened on September 11, 2001, they can prove that what Americans have been told by the government is inaccurate and is, in fact a blatant lie.
They believe that when George Bush spoke the following words he knew that he and other government officials had failed to provide Americans with the leadership they so desperately needed not only on September 11th but also in the days before and after the attack:
”We must speak the truth about terror.
”Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty. “