America from Freedom to Fascism is a Must-See
In America From Freedom to Fascism, Aaron Russo Masterfully Exposes the Unconstitutional New World Order Movement.
Aaron Russo’s ‘America From Freedom to Fascism’ movie is something every American should be forced to sit down and view.
Even the ones who may fight sitting down at first won’t be able to take their eyes off the screen after the movie starts.
Through our own research, we already knew everything Aaron Russo had in his movie. We were curious to see if he knew the whole truth behind what’s happening to our once great America.
Happily, in ”America From Freedom to Fascism”, Aaron Russo shows he does know and he presents it in a way that will wake up anyone who hasn’t yet been awakened to the One World Government goals of the world’s banking cabal.
Illegal Federal Reserve
In ‘America From Freedom to Fascism’, Russo invests the first hour educating the viewer on the illegality of the Fed (Secrets of the Federal Reserve) and the income tax as it’s applied to Americans today.
As Russo interviews former IRS agents, former IRS commissioners, Congressman Ron Paul, and quotes various Supreme Court cases, it becomes painfully obvious to the ”America From Freedom to Fascism” viewer that they’ve been bilked of thousands and thousands of dollars over their lifetime.
They realize they’ve been shaken down by bullying crooks in much the same way a mobster shakes down local businessmen for the ”right to stay open”.
As ”America From Freedom to Fascism” continues and America’s illegal tax system has been thoroughly exposed, Aaron Russo moves on to show who’s truly running the show.
He correctly points out that the Federal Reserve is privately owned. Further, he correctly points out that the super rich banking families, such as Rockefeller and Rothschild, are the owners and it’s this faction battling the freedoms we enjoy here in America.
Fascist Police State
”USA From Freedom to Fascism” hits the nail on the head when it shows that America is already a police state on its way to a military dictatorship.
It was interesting to hear the gasps of surprise from audience members who were being exposed to the New World Order efforts for the first time.
A woman behind me gasped quite loudly when she saw the following Bill Clinton quote that I’ve been trying to tell people about for years now:
”We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.”
– Bill Clinton, USA Today on 3/11/93, page 2a
USA From Freedom to Fascism’ really hits home on the Big Brother aspects of our world we already endure and ones that are coming, such as the implantable chips, surveillance that denies us privacy, the National ID card, etc.
Russo masterfully connects all the dots from the Federal Reserve right on up to America’s current ability to meet a Nazi-like fascism definition.
We’re in the midst of a transformation from a freedom loving country into a Plutocracy, where we’ll utilize a Soviet Union-like Communist constitution, thus proving that capitalism versus communism is a lie.
”USA from Freedom to Fascism” to Others
For the person who’s up on all this information, ‘America From Freedom to Fascism’ only serves to fuel the fire to work at keeping our freedoms.
To the uninitiated, this movie does a masterful job of packing an education on America’s truth that took most of us years to learn into an hour and a half of enlightenment.
It’s unfortunate the banking cabal has a control of the media which prevents information that can wake Americans from their Matrix-like prison from reaching the masses.
This movie should be in all the major movie theatres on four screens at once. Since the cabal makes sure only the latest super hero fluff gets multiple screen treatment, it’s up to all of us to make sure we get as many people as possible to see ”America From Freedom to Fascism”.
Further, when it’s available on DVD, ”America From Freedom to Fascism” should be played at ”Freedom Parties” in the homes of true Patriots all across this land.
The more people who discover they don’t need to fund the illegal Federal Reserve and the unconstitutional efforts of its owners toward New World Order, the closer we are to winning the fight.