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American College Education Problems

The American College Education is Disappointing Many People. The New World Order Relies on a Systematic and Diabolical Destruction of People’s Intelligence.

The American college education system is an institution students may enter and find rewarding. Others, however, prefer to receive their education through work experience.

We may ask ourselves why we need to have a college education. We may notice a great many people around us who are not using the education they received at the collegiate level.

people get college educations and are in jobs which require them to have such educations.

At the same time, many of these people do not get jobs in the field in which they were educated. College education is often given a lot more credit than it is due.

People often believe that everything they need to know in the business world, or in whichever field they are entering, they can learn in a classroom.

Unfortunately, this concept is highly misconstrued, and in fact, most of what you need to know in whichever field you decide to work in, you learn from experience.

The employers within the United States of America force many people to have college educations prior to the person entering the field of their choice.

The people of the United States of America would be much better off entering the workforce before beginning their college education as it would give them some vital experience in their chosen studies.


From an early age, American students are encouraged and conditioned to accept whatever information is put in front of them.

They are taught to believe what they are told and are not encouraged to seek more information on subjects which are presented to them.

This occurs from elementary school, or even preschool, right through American college education American people need to find a way to break this trend.

They need to think for themselves and not simply accept the information which is spewed by educators. Self education is just as important as formal education.

See the Bigger Picture

Americans need to figure this out before they reach the point of American college education.

The people of the United States of America need to realize those who have changed the world are the ones who have shown initiative and not simply accepted what they were told as fact.


The funny thing about facts is they are always changing. People often forget that. Not too long ago, it was a fact the world was flat.

In reality, college is not necessary. It is a way for more money to change hands. A person can learn everything they need by gaining experience on the job.

If college is going to continue to be required for jobs, the cost of an college education should be drastically lowered.

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