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What is the American Family Story?

An American Family Story Must Not be Forgotten. Real Values Get Thrown Away in the New World Order and the Family Unit is Replaced by Dependence Government Control.

What are the truths and ideas that go into an American family story when there are so many different scenarios that make up an American family?

Today’s American family ranges from single parent homes to extended family units that include both parents, child(ren), grandparents, etc.

The American family is so diverse that it is difficult to say what it is exactly because it means something different for everyone.

However, families face more problems than ever with teen pregnancy at an all time high and gangs becoming more prevalent in communities where it was never a problem before.

The reason for this is because of the glamorization of the “fabulous” life of celebrities, easy sex and pimped out cars that fascinate us as a society.

No longer is respect for yourself and others instilled in children as that lesson becomes overpowered by our growing desire for things that we see on billboards, television, computers, etc.

The problem is that we are a society of “now” meaning we don’t want to wait for anything and with Burger King letting you “have it your way,” why would you wait for anything when you don’t have to?

One might go as far to say that parents have forgotten how to parent and the children are the ones who run the home and everything in it as parents are willing to go to longer lengths to keep their child happy and competing with the neighbors for the latest Ipod or Blackberry phone.

The family of the past is gone and we are left with the new, not so improved families of today.

Just as important as the safety of the country is the safety of our families and protecting it from outside forces coming in telling you that your family and the way you raise your children is not good enough.

It’s the Ultimate Goal

Communism and Socialism all know that they can not survive with strong families.

Strong families make strong communities, and strong communities keep government power in check.

Break down the American family story, and the door is wide open to centralizing power in government.

Once families break down through divorce, welfare, cohabitation, etc. government gets more and more involved in everyday life which means more and more centralized government control.

“Destroy the family,” as Lenin said, “and you destroy society.” Thereby he merely repeated what Socrates had said before and what Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx put into words.

Lenin set out to do just that, hoping that a new society, with the State as the ultimate father, could be constructed.

In America today we see the degradation of this structure in many ways, and coming from many sides and most homes that have two parents see both parents working to make ends meet.

This leaves many children to raise themselves in areas where a parent is needed to properly show them the way.

Instead we see television and video games, movies, and popular music CD’s raising them, after they have been in public school being taught the current agenda being forced upon them by a liberal institution.

The beginning of this degradation started from the Feminist Movement of the 60’s and 70’s that removed the mother from the home.

They took the duties and social responsibilities normally associated with the father which left kids to be raised by school systems and whatever influence they encountered on a daily basis.

American Family Story: Even Good Ideas Have Flaws

The second movement was the Civil Rights Movement that included children and exempted them from discipline from parents and other authority figures.

The Dr. Spock genre basically eliminated any practical discipline from home and school and lawyers have made a fortune with kids being allowed to sue at the drop of a hat.

The third has been and still is the Teachers Union where the NEA has not only taken it upon themselves to introduce and remove whatever they deemed appropriate for our children, but have taken it upon themselves to push the Liberal Agenda into our children under the guise of education.

This is why it is important to get out and vote and to write your representatives and congressmen, and never give up the good fight until we have taken back what has been stolen from us and our children which is the American family story.

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