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True American Heroes

The American Heroes That Count Are Those Warning About the Elite Plan for New World Order.

The real American heroes these days are often overlooked.

They are not sports stars, or Hollywood actors, or the corrupt politicians that are using the US government to push forward their own agendas and give perks and benefits to their friends.

These days heroes are made by the media, who can turn anyone into a hero or a villain based solely on the type of coverage that they decide to give someone.

But the heroes that are created by the media aren’t real heroes.

The real heroes are the people who are fighting constantly against the propaganda masquerading as journalism and trying to get the real facts about what the politicians are doing and how they are taking away the rights and protections of Americans out into the mainstream.

The Internet has made it possible for a lot of these real American heroes to reach more people than ever before.

As a result there are a lot more people that know the real truth about how their rights are being systematically stripped away by politicians and legislators who care more about creating profit for corporations and wealthy business families than they do about creating opportunities for ordinary Americans.

Ordinary Americans work hard everyday and want to be able to have their chance to have the American dream of their own home and a steady job and have the money that they need to send their kids to college so that their kids can have better lives than they had.

The Online Movement of Heroes

The corruption in the highest levels of government has never been as bad as it has been under the Bush and/or Obama administrations, but very few media outlets ever have stories or give out facts about the extent of the damage that Bush and his administration have done to the American people.

The only people that are not keeping silent are the ones who are blogging and going online all the time to reach as many people as they can and letting people know what is really going on.

In the Tradition of the Founders

The problem is not that the American people don’t care about their rights and freedoms being taken away, because they do.

The problem is that they don’t know what is happening.

Americans depend on the media to cover news and politics and when the media outlets that are controlled by the elite class, which benefits from the corruption in the highest levels of government, refuse to cover those stories, then ordinary Americans just don’t know what’s going on.

The real American heroes that are continuing the patriotic traditions started by the founding members of the US are the ones that are standing up for truth and justice to let people know that their rights and freedoms are being stripped away.

The real American heroes are people that are pointing out all the ways that ordinary Americans can stand up to rampant government corruption and take back the control of the government.

Government is no Longer “For the People”

The US was built on the principle of having a government “for the people, by the people” and yet modern US politics have very little input from ordinary Americans.

Laws are debated and passed out of sight and important government decisions are not covered by the mainstream media.

The mainstream media encourages apathy towards the government instead of encouraging people to get involved and participate in the political process.

It is the right and the duty of every US citizen to be actively involved in the governing of the US. That is what the founders of the country intended.

Today, luckily, there are still a few American heroes and patriots who work tirelessly to educate people about the corruption that is going on in the government and encourage people to get actively involved in politics.

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