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The Bailout Cost is Reaching Lunatic Proportions

Bailout Cost Could be as High as $9.7 Trillion According to Bloomberg.

A recent Bloomberg article estimated the total cost of the financial bailout at $9.7 trillion taxpayer dollars.

Whether right or wrong, there is no doubt the bailout cost will reach into the trillions, we could quibble over the number of trillions but it really misses the point.

A whole bunch of money is getting flushed down the toilet and for what? Congress is now in an uproar over the injustices committed by everyone other than themselves.

Laws need to changed, executives need to be punished, bonuses need to be returned.

But where was Congress when it came time to regulate the financial industry in the first place?

When the mortgage backed securities were created and pumped out by the billions of dollars where were the Congressmen and women asking if these were good for their constituents?

As a Senator from the great state of Abraham Lincoln where was Obama as the housing bubble grew and the hedge funds raked in unbelievable profits?

Busy running for President maybe?

Too busy to look after his constituents?

And where is all this bailout cost money going?

Well, we know the auto industry, upset over the curtailing of their private jets, was in Washington groveling for handouts.

Bailout Money Goes to Executive Pay

Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford, made $27 million in 2006 and a measly $21 million in 2006.

He sure needed bailout money. He was brought over from Boeing to rescue Ford and a lot of good he’s done.

General Motors and Ford are in line to receive up to $130 billion for their ailing companies. They say without it they’ll go bankrupt. And why not?

Let the Darwinian process of survival of the fittest continue to apply to the world of commerce.

Toyota, their main competitor not only isn’t closing plants and laying off employees, it’s opening new plants and hiring more United States citizens.

Over 60% of all Toyota cars sold in the United States are made here. By the hands of the taxpayers who are bailing out General Motors and Ford.

Bailout Cost: AIG Keeps Soaking Up the Money

The insurance company AIG is another example of the heartbreaking bailout cost. AIG is yet another publically traded corporation founded on the principles of capitalism.

Capitalism and Darwinism are closely related. Except when it comes to AIG and the auto industry it appears.

When times are good they wallow in the profits, keeping them for themselves and the shareholders. But when times are bad, they want the taxpayer to bail them out. What’s in it for the taxpayer? Nada.

Unfettered capitalism is excellent for the very few super rich. Everyone else has to pay for it. The New World Order cometh.

The latest figure for AIG is $85 billion, and the sound of the great toilet flushing can be heard.

All this will do is, possibly, hopefully, keep them from going under and causing a domino effect and other companies going under.

Is all this part of a grand plan? How could it just have happened with all those bright people out there watching out for us? Maybe it’s exactly what a certain group of very intelligent and greedy people wanted.

With a weakened economy and an overworked people it’s easier to come in as the great savior and fix things up, just the way they want them fixed up. The rich get richer, and the rest of us pay.

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