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The Berg VS. Obama Supreme Court Case Would Either Prove or Disprove Barack Obama’s Citizenship, if it is Proven that He is Not a Natural-Born Citizen He Would Not be Eligible for the Presidency

Why Hasn’t The Berg v Obama Supreme Court Case Been Seen by The Supreme Court?

Although most Americans are completely unaware, their President’s eligibility to hold that office is being questioned, probably for the first time in history.

Many people might be compelled to laugh when they hear this basic allegation, they immediately assume it is a desperate effort by the Republican Party to slander the Democratic President.

That is definitely the impression offered to the public by the mainstream media, when they choose to say anything at all about the Berg v Obama Supreme Court case.

The man who filed the suit however, is a long-time member of the Democrat Party, so this is not a case of playing party politics.

Berg says he has more than enough cause for suspicion, and he believes that something needs to be done to resolve the issue.

The United States Constitution sets the requirement that the President must be a natural-born citizen, and most people can agree that is quite a reasonable expectation.

When people learn about the Berg v Obama Supreme Court case, many of them become concerned. If there is even enough cause to suspect that he may not be a natural-born citizen, the President must disprove the allegations and if he will not, a court must settle the dispute.

The controversy only increased when the Berg v Obama Supreme Court case was nonchalantly discarded by the Supreme Court Justices.

Berg VS. Obama Supreme Court Case in Brief

Public Response

After the public began to learn that the Supreme Court refused to see the case of Berg v Obama, without even making any public statement to explain that decision, tensions began to rise.

Many people, in several states, have filed cases in their own courts regarding the President’s citizenship.

It seems people are hoping that if they can appeal their case through the judicial hierarchy to the highest court in the land, perhaps the Supreme Court may begin to understand that there is widespread public interest in this issue.

If there is any question about Obama’s eligibility to be President of the United States, and he will not disprove the evidence himself, it is up to the Supreme Court to put the issue to rest for the American people.

Why Might They Ignore the Case?

It’s puzzling to many people that Berg v Obama has even made it to the Supreme Court. Why has Barrack Obama himself not offered the evidence that can unequivocally prove he is a natural-born citizen?

Every American citizen can easily prove whether they are a natural-born citizen, so it should not be any more difficult for our President.

In fact, you need to prove your citizenship to be hired for most jobs in America. Why should the Presidency be any different?

Having refused the case without comment, the Supreme Court of the United States have made themselves the subject of much scrutiny as well.

Many people are wondering if the court is truly independent, or if they are controlled by the same global forces that control our politicians.

What Does it all Mean?

It’s reasonable to assume that Barrack Obama knows whether or not he is a natural-born American citizen.

The Constitution clearly states that it is a requirement for the President of the United States to be a natural-born citizen. Obama, especially having been elected President, must be loosely familiar with the Constitution.

If we assume all of the above to be true, if Obama is in fact not a natural-born citizen, he knowingly led us all to violate the Constitution in electing him President.

It can become a very sticky situation if that is the case. What action would have to be taken to correct this folly?

One might also wonder, if Obama’s Presidency is unconstitutional, what can be done about his actions as an illegal President?

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