Brain Chemicals Have Been Altered
Protecting Your Brain Chemicals is Important to a Healthy Life.
Most people take for granted that their brain chemicals will always be in the right proportions because it is the body’s job to maintain them.
This has been true throughout history, but the modern society is not a healthy environment for most people to be living in.
As it turns out, the less money you have, the more likely you will be afflicted with some sort of neurological disorder.
The reason for this is not as simple as just bad fortune, but more like a targeted attack from a very sinister group of people. The elite have been looking to create a perfect race through the pseudoscience called eugenics for decades now.
The poor is just one part of the population that the elite would like to be able to get rid of which is why they have attacked their brains.
By causing the population to be effected by things such as Alzheimer’s disease, the elite are able to institute greater control.
People have become so scared that they will fall ill from such diseases that they are willing to do anything in order to not get sick.
It is no coincidence that the foods that the poor community eats most often are laden down with aluminum seeing as it has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
Foods like corn bread and processed cheese have been found to have the highest amounts of aluminum in them.
The elite would like for you to believe that there is no link between the two much like they would like for you to believe that there is no link between MMR vaccines and autism.
The brain chemicals are affected at a young age due to the immunizations that the government requires for children to go to school.
They say that the vaccines are only supposed to help the children stay healthy, but they cannot explain why there are high levels of mercury in the vaccines.
While they would like for you to believe that there is link between vaccines and autism, there has been a steady increase in new autism cases ever since the MMR vaccine has been required.
California alone has reported a 1,000% increase over the past twenty years.
Memory Loss
One way in which the alteration of brain chemicals can be seen by the common citizen is by something as normal as memory loss.
This is not to be confused with Alzheimer’s disease as the elite would like for you to believe, but simply forgetting things.
Short term memory is the form of memory that seems to be affected the most by the change in brain chemistry.
While the popular thought is that this is due to some pot smoking when they were kids, it is actually more likely tied to medication that was taken as a child.
Get Off the Drugs
The reason that the elite want to screw with your brain chemicals is so that they can get you to buy the different drugs offered by the pharmaceutical companies.
The drug business is a billion dollar industry for every company that there is out there and the elite have money in all of them.
By having a stake in the income of over a trillion dollars a year by these huge multinationals, the elite are willing to whatever shady, underhanded things they must do to keep the money flowing.
They do not want for you to know that there are simple lives changes that you can make to get off of the drugs.