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Our Central Bank Called the Federal Reserve

The Central Bank Called the Federal Reserve is a Private Corporation Run by the Corrupt Banking Elite. They Rule the World With Counterfeit Money.

The United States central bank called the Federal Reserve Banking System has created mayhem within our country.

Most Americans are in deep financial trouble with huge credit card debt and little or no savings in the bank. How did this dire situation come about?

In fact, studies show American families are lurching from paycheck to paycheck with the threat of bankruptcy or even homelessness looming within mere months if one or both wage earners is out of work for any length of time.

How did citizens of the most productive nation on earth reach this sorry state of affairs?

The answer is ignorance and greed; widespread lack of knowledge of money and how it works among the populace, and greed on the part of central banks–both, evils our Forefathers warned against.

While the idea of banks or banking is not inherently evil, greed and the love of money are condemned in the Bible and other sacred scriptures.

An outstanding recent film helps explain clearly what the central bank called the Federal Reserve is, how it originated, and how it works against us.

Watch this compelling film to learn how changing your money practices and returning to sound banking could halt the drastic cycles of inflation and depression engineered for personal profit by corporate members of this privately held corporation.

It is long–about forty minutes–but well worth your time to watch, bookmark, and share with friends.

Time for Americans to Understand the Truth

The important thing to remember is that the central bank called the Federal Reserve IS NOT a part of the Government of the United States.

It is a private corporation, organized for private profit. Its tentacles are so long it controls interest rates, credit access, the availability of paper money, and hence inflation rates and rates of international exchange.

As citizens, we must learn -and quickly–to seek out reliable information from primary sources. As individuals, we must become fiscally responsible within our own families.

Is There Anything Citizens Can do to Escape the Central Bank Called the Federal Reserve?

We must refuse to feel powerless as individuals, recognize our responsibilities, and stand up for ourselves, our Constitution, and what is right. We will show you how in a DTSS freedom program.

As adults, we must stop acting like spoiled children, demanding shiny toys and sweet deals RIGHT NOW, and embrace ideas like delayed gratification and saving up to pay cash for the things important enough to wait for.

We must become the teachers of our own children, because it is obvious the schools are not teaching us anything about money, how it works or how to manage it.

It may very well be that the current economic crisis has been engineered by the central bank called the Federal Reserve, to damage the dollar to such an extent that Americans will accept without question, even demand, that the amero become the accepted currency.

Educate yourselves, while there is still time.

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