Corrupt Chair of the Federal Reserve
The Chair of the Federal Reserve is a Puppet for the Banking Elite Who Control This Figurehead. Our Money and Economy Were Stolen When the Fed Was Created.
The chair of the Federal Reserve is but a figurehead. He is part of the international banking cartel which has subverted our world as we know it.
Bernanke is no different from Greenspan who both worked hard allowing the Fed to own our monetary system. He succeeded in ways too numerous to count.
And when the stock market is in the mess intended, and the unemployed reach new heights, and the scene is set for a takeover. What will this dreaded takeover be?
It will be the control of all international money and finances. We will be slaves to a new World Bank. And the World Bank will take the reins of the politicians of the world by owning them through their debts.
The financial crisis we see now will take down the United States and our dollar until we have no other option but to do what the wealthy elite dictate.
The Federal Reserve is an institution with a misleading name, since there is nothing Federal about the Fed. Privately owned and operated, they have been given the right and authority to print our money, dictate interest rates and decide upon our credit.
They basically are above the law and above regulation. Thankfully there is a solution for you. Join a DTSS Debt Discharge Membership Program and do your part of eliminating their fraudulent debt.
The Chair of the Federal Reserve Leads US to Disaster
Alan Greenspan began our downfall. He held the position as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank for twenty years.
He’s a Rockefeller and Rothschild man from the word “go.” Earlier he was on the Board of Directors of J.P. Morgan and from then to now continually advocates deregulating the financial services arena.
Greenspan worked hard to keep interest rates artificially low by using his influence. This resulted in the massive borrowing that had bad side effects.
To add to the scenario, we also had Congress pass the Community Reinvestment Act bill. This bill opened the door to setting aside vital lending criteria.
Further problems came about with Greenspan successfully repealing the Glass Stegall Act. This law was in effect since the banks collapsing in 1929.
It was meant to prevent commercial banks from selling and promoting stocks and bonds. It was to stop banks from speculating and prevent another collapse.
Once the Glass Stegall Act was eliminated, we had “the perfect storm.” Commercial banks merged with investment banks.
Sub-prime mortgages went wild, and financial institutions sold them off as mortgage-backed securities. We had the environment now for economic chaos, and that’s exactly what we got.
The chair of the Federal Reserve has more power than its safe to admit. No one wants to face the facts because it’s much easier to just sit on the couch and watch game shows or sitcoms or sports.
It’s not a pleasant subject to play with. However, if we want to continue as free under our Constitution, we must do something.
What Does This Have to do With You?
The chair of the Federal Reserve isn’t voted in, so you may think if the government wants to trust him, that’s their business. But this country is YOUR business.
Your children’s future depends on how much you make it your business. We need to repeal the Federal Reserve Act now, nullifying their power.