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Who Really Controls Cobra Global Positioning System GPS100?

The Cobra Global Positioning System Gps100 Has More in Common With the Military Than You Know.

The Cobra global positioning system gps100 is advertised as the perfect companion for citizens of the United States who want to know where they going.

What the publicity does not say is that the same global positioning system used in the program also lets the U.S. Government know where they’re going.

In terms of performance characteristics, the Cobra system is impressive.

It uses up to eighteen satellites to calculate and to continually update the user’s position and automatically tracks the user’s travel with up to 2000 log points.

That means that potential 2000 data points for anybody else who has access to that satellite data.

That anyone else can be the U.S. government via the U.S. military.

The Cobra, like other positioning systems on sale in the United States, uses the satellite positioning system that was put in place by the U.S. military.

The U.S. military still controls this global positioning system.

Any traffic or communication between a Cobra system being used by a civilian user and the satellite system can be intercepted and analyzed by the U.S. government.

So Easy to Use and to Abuse

Proud to be a Spy

A number of commercial companies have understood the potential of the Cobra global positioning system gps100 in terms of spy and surveillance equipment.

As they so helpfully point out in their publicity, the Cobra vehicle tracking system will allow somebody to monitor where a car or vehicle has traveled to, the speed at which it traveled and when it started and stopped.

All of this information is monitored and collected as far down as street level.

The units are proudly presented as a perfect solution for tracking the activity of cars whether for personal use, company business or as fleet of vehicles.

The Sinister Namesake in Military Space

Not only this, but somebody wishing to spy on the user of a Cobra global positioning system gps100 can calculate the position of the user to within 10ft.

In what may be a cynical marketing decision, the Cobra also shares its name with another military system for locating enemy artillery with a view to destroying it.

The defense companies of several leading nations teamed up to manage the development program and to produce this alternative Cobra system.

The notion of surveillance and control has therefore traveled through from what might have been reasonable defense requirements, into an invasion of civilian privacy.

In the cobra GPS system sold to unsuspecting U.S. civilians, there is the same precision, range, mobility and processing power to allow individuals to be tracked wherever they go.

They Will Know Everything About Everybody

The Cobra global positioning system gps100 also features an altimeter and indefinite user data storage.

This essentially means that the U.S. government not only has the possibility to know where a civilian user is, but also on what floor of building that person may be on.

The indefinite data storage means that the government system can also handle outages of communication and recover data on where the person has been, at a later date.

With the unfortunate similarity in names between the civilian and the military Cobra systems, citizens should take this as a warning for the future as well.

If a new solution against burglars comes on for the market called the homeland security protection system, citizens might like to think twice before installing it.

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