The Constitution and America Divided
The Correlation Between the Constitution and America is Growing Smaller as the Illuminati Take More of Our Freedoms Away.
American citizens actually represent the authority in this country because of their expectations of the people they put in charge and their perceived capacity to perform well.
That authority is expressed when individuals vote for leaders to represent them.
How well our leaders understand the importance of the Constitution plays a role in practically every aspect of life in the US.
This gives rise to constitutionalism, the idea that the government will abide by the law and any political issues that arise will be dealt with at the polls.
However, this theory is beginning to be dispelled as we see who is really the power behind the politicians.
The Constitution has existed for more than 200 years and continues to shape decisions on our most controversial issues.
Appropriate authority between state and federal government remains an issue but the real problems remain unchanged.
Many ideas about the Constitution and America were new at the time and many others were taken from the experiences of the thirteen states and the British mixed government.
The biggest influence was Montesquieu who stressed the importance of balance in order to avoid tyranny. The very tyranny we are headed for today.
A Little Piece here, a Little Piece there
Since 1978, with the passage of the Alien and Sedition Act, the Constitution has been interpreted to mean what the reader wants it to mean.
Politicians have been tearing at the fabric of the Constitution little by little and justifying it to suit their needs.
Thomas Jefferson violated the Constitution when he purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon, and Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus.
Governing parties still violate the Constitution in the way they define the rights of women, minorities, abortion rights and gun control, to name a few.
Each ruling party believes they know what is best for the country and begin appointing judges to the courts.
Judiciary appointments are one of the most important decisions a president can make because Supreme Court judges are elected for life.
The Constitution and America have not been abandoned by government officials but judges are often appointed that will interpret constitutional laws in their favor.
What Does It Mean to You?
There is always a shift in the courts depending on who is the majority in the Supreme Court, liberal or conservative.
This could be interpreted as our political leaders ignoring the Constitution and America.
It also shows the influence of the powers behind the president and how they manipulate him.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights have always been under the scope of interpretation and politicians will interpret both to their advantage.
Since June 21, 1788, when the Constitution was ratified, the definition of what it means has been wrestled with.
It’s Up to Us
Many Americans confuse what our country is. We are a representative democracy, not a true democracy.
This means that we elect officials to represent us and expect them to make the right decisions.
We give them the power to act without consent but we can also vote them out of office.
The power of our vote is what keeps politicians in line but it must me used wisely and often.
If so, maybe we can get back a semblance of the laws set by the Constitution and America.
Unfortunately the importance of the Constitution is not taught in schools anymore.
It is up to us as a people to express the importance of this document and what the Constitution means to America.
It is also up to us to pressure the powerful people who control our politicians to get out of the way so America can be returned to her citizens.