Curbing Global Warming is a Big Lie
Curbing Global Warming is a Way to Make Money by Lying to the Public. The Government Uses Fear of Climate Change to Control the Masses & Make Them Depend on Gov.
Curbing global warming is not a necessity. In fact, it’s proven to be a swindle by actual climate scientists.
When the public believes everything they see at the movies or on television, it’s simple to manipulate them and get big money from the taxpayers.
Rather than investigate the facts for themselves, people just rely on anybody at all to tell them how it is, because of that, it’s simple to get a public outcry and demand.
It also gets the American public to take their attention off real issues that are endangering them with manipulated research and simple guesses not based on fact, vested interests influence the press.
The media goes wild with it. After all, it’s been made popular. And the media is funded by the vested interests.
Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, was just an emotional film to create an impact.
But sound science has shown the global warming for what it is–a swindle created to alarm and rake in money.
Curbing Global Warming isn’t Even Possible
Whatever natural warming of our earth is occurring now, if actually extensive at all, isn’t going to be controllable.
How can we change the patterns of our climate? The spurious proof that it is manmade is just a fabrication.
There have been historic climate swings in past ages, long before our greenhouse gases. It has been claimed that this warming is “unusual.”
But by manipulated analysis of various information and studies, they have managed to come up with a spiking temperature graph that has been thoroughly discredited.
In fact, a warmer climate cannot even be shown to truly be harmful.
The rate of our sea level increases have been fairly steady for 10,000 years. Large increases wouldn’t come from a short-term temperature change.
The negative impact of warming is not truth, but only a scare tactic to distract us from real life. Many argue that a warming will produce a benefit to mankind overall, in fact.
But why push the whole concept off on us? Perhaps there are those with other agendas.
These plans don’t include a thinking populace with time to protest or fight against their activities.
They would rather we devote ourselves to a farce rather than face the real problems of the world.
The fight on curbing global warming takes us away from the real fight on the denial of freedom and our liberties being removed one by one.
It turns us away from the ineffectiveness with which hunger and disease are battled.
It turns us from investigating those who are working for a one-world government.
You Can Do Something About It
Realize that curbing global warming isn’t something to concern yourself with at this time.
Come to discover what those in this country are doing to destroy our Constitution.
Don’t let these people scare you into becoming inactive and giving up on America. You can do something about the real issues we face in our modern world.