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Dish Network Satellite System

While We Watch Our Dish Network Satellite System, the North American Union is Marching Forward.

Today, millions of Americans are finding it much easier to bury themselves in senseless programming on Dish Network satellite television rather than facing what is going on in our world.

No one wants to hear anything else about the war in Iraq, we’re tired of hearing about just how bad the economy is, and quite frankly, we feel we’re entitled to a little entertainment now and then.

Add in pressures of worrying about getting laid off, and it’s easy to see why we just want to get lost in escapism, if only for a few hours.

Fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with entertainment, and there certainly is a need to get away from it all every once in awhile, but we have picked up a very dangerous habit by doing so.

Instead of an hour or two a day, most American families spend a great portion of their lives trapped in front of the television.

This has created a prime situation for the global elite, and they are about to roll out their plans for a shocking change in the United States.

We may not have heard about it while we were breathless waiting to see who was going to win American Idol – but in a few years – that may be the North American Union Idol.

The United States is being positioned into a merger with Canada and Mexico that will forever change the shape of our nation, that will remove all of our rights and irrevocably kill the American dream.

The Union is Real – And It’s on the Way

What You May Have Missed

The North American Union isn’t the only thing that many Americans have missed by paying so much attention to what is on Dish Network Satellite television.

We are facing a time in history where our country is changing very quickly.

As part of the move towards the NAU, America is being positioned to accept socialism and abandon capitalism.

While this may not sound like much to the average person, it is a very serious situation.

Socialism is no laughing matter – just ask the people who barely lived through it in the Soviet Union.

Our economy is crumbling, and we are lifting our voices to the federal government to make it right – to bailout industries and bankers before the house of cards is blown over.

But by doing this we are clamoring for socialist control. Once we have accepted socialism, the NAU is just a heartbeat away.

What can We Do About It?

This is the time that we need to use to educate ourselves on our changing world.

We need to stop watching Dish Network Satellite television before we are dumbed down to the point where nothing matters.

We still have the right to free speech, even if it has been curtailed and we have a powerful voice that can be used to demand accountability from our representatives.

If they are allowed to continue supporting the NAU, it is only a matter of time before it is formed.

There is not much time left before this occurs, but if we raise our voices as one, if we show the kind of grit that this nation used to have, we can make a difference.

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