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What are Echelon Keywords?

Echelon Keywords Are Being Used to Track US Citizens Like Yourself Without Any Regard For Your Legal Privacy.

Knowing Echelon keywords can help you understand just what the UKUSA Community is hoping to find and trying to distinguish.

They use a super computer that collects and maintains data from all communications sent and received.

Through the means of land lines, cell phones and email they are able to sort through the data with a program known as “DICTIONARY” looking for keywords, key phrases and voice recognition.

This Orwellian reality is a scary one to say the least. Echelon is the primary source of recording and analyzing data received from daily uses of telecommunications and internet communication and surfing.

It is completely transforming the free society we think we live in to a controlled police state.

Echelon ideology gained momentum in the 1970’s with the introduction of satellite communications across the world, making the job for the NSA much easier than in previous years.

Echelon keywords range widely, from “information terrorism” to a simple word like “reflection,” opening up a vast number of doors to be looked into upon finding these words.

This is the definition of a controlled police state, we are being spied on by our own government for nothing more than pure paranoia, and you have to ask yourself, what are they hoping to find?

With all this “super” technology they were unable to stop 9/11, were unable to accurately predict WMD in Iraq or the location of Osama Bin Laden, if they are not looking into these areas of interest, what are they doing?

Echelon Helping War on Terror

The US government will find any and all excuses to point the finger at the war on terror, this is not a real threat to people in America, not yet anyway, this war is used to instill fear among the people by creating a ghost for an enemy.

The war on terror is no more of a war than the “war” on drugs, Americans are willing to trade civil liberties for a little security.

Echelon endangers the rights of any American. We do not need to be baby sat like children, but that is exactly what is happening.

Echelon Lies

Anyone who has any correlation to this project will express the great work and dynamic of this program, however, they are doing nothing but spying on millions of innocent people hoping to gain some foothold over our interests and actions.

This Big Brother ideology of keeping us safe is just a farce to make us feel secure, but we are not secure from the watchers who have the power to do whatever they want whenever they want. 

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