Elite’s Echelon Advanced Surveillance Network
The Banking Elite, Through the NSA’s Echelon Advanced Spy Satellites, Can See and Hear Any Opposition to Their Plan for Totalitarian Global Community.
The Echelon advanced satellite spy system is probably the biggest attack on the privacy rights of people worldwide than any other black government project.
The National Security Agency (NSA) is the most covert and secretive of all government agencies. Echelon, of course, is in the hands of those who run the NSA.
We’re convinced more than ever that the corrupt cabal of international bankers and industrialists are using the corrupt officials in the U.S. Government to build their New World Order Global Community.
They’re doing it through the extremely powerful United States police state that they’ve crafted over the years.
We don’t want any mistakes made regarding where our allegiance lies. We love America… the Republic that was once run by the United States Constitution.
Your Constitution is being eroded through illegal Presidential Executive Orders and rogue government programs like the NSA.
We don’t love the new “Amerika” that’s been built by an elite intent on totalitarian rule. The Echelon advanced spy network is part of that plan.
Through this massive Echelon advanced surveillance system, every email, phone call, fax, and website visit is vacuumed in and analyzed.
Danger of Echelon Advanced Spy Network
There are many naïve people out there who refuse to believe, understand, or admit to what’s going on.
They refuse to pay attention to New World Order prisons, the attack on the right to keep and bear arms, or the far reaching effects of secretive groups like Yale’s Skull and Bones or the CFR shadow government.
Of course, they view the Echelon advanced spy system the same way.
They can’t see beyond their day-to-day life to see how complete and utter surveillance in the hands of tyranny will reduce them to outright slaves.
We’re here to say that attitude is exactly why a corrupt banking cabal has been able to covertly attack our constitutional Republic.
Regarding the Echelon advanced network, it’s time more people were exposed to the words of a man who knew far better than the average American in the 21st century the danger it poses to our way of life.
Church Knew Danger of Echelon Advanced System
In 1975, Congressional Hearings targeted Echelon Project Shamrock. Started in 1945, Project Shamrock allowed the NSA to spy on all telegraphic messages in the United States.
At the time of the Congressional Hearings in the 70’s, Senator Frank Church was Senate Intelligence Committee chairman.
Church issued a warning regarding the NSA and ECHELON advanced surveillance system.
“At the same time, that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people and no American would have any privacy left, such [is] the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter.
“There would be no place to hide. If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back, because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know.
“Such is the capability of this technology… I don’t want to see this country ever go across the bridge.
“I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.”
Echelon Advanced Spy System: “Amerikan” Police State
We don’t see how anyone can argue that the rogue U.S. Government is indeed a tyrannical force.
The U.S. police state monitors its citizens, it invades and conquers foreign lands in the name of democracy.
It lies through corporate media brainwashing that those conquered lands are better off with an “Amerikan” presence while the truth is that resources are being exploited for the benefit of the elite and the corporations owned by them.
Today, you do not want to be caught in the U.S. legal system. The police treat you as if you’re guilty before proven innocent. They’re trained in psychology.
They call you at 6AM, at a time you’re vulnerable… they act like your friend, lie that they’re asking routine questions, then get you to admit what they want so they can get credited with contributing to a conviction.
That conviction means more money for the State and the judge’s “secret fund”. Don’t think this is happening? Research it.
We’re living in precarious times. The global elite is introducing RFID-laced national ID cards for further tracking.
Refuse to take it and you’re a prisoner in your own country. in the future, maybe even confined to the state you live in.
They’re tracking our cars and tires with RFID chips. They’re tracking some already with the human implantation of RFID chips.
And, of course, the Echelon advanced spy satellites are watching and listening to your every move.
Arguments Promoting Echelon Advanced System
“The Echelon system is the product of the Cold War conflict – an extended battle replete with heightened tensions that teetered on the brink of annihilation, and the diminished hostilities of Détente and Glasnost…
“Vicious cycles of mistrust and paranoia between the United States and the Soviet empire fed the intelligence agencies to the point that, with the fall of Communism throughout Eastern Europe, the intelligence establishment began to grasp for a mission that justified its bloated existence.
“But the rise of post-modern warfare terrorism gave the establishment all the justification it needed to develop an even greater ability to spy on its enemies, its allies and its own citizens.
“Echelon is the result of those efforts. The satellites that fly thousands of miles overhead and yet can spy out the most minute details on the ground; the secret submarines that troll the ocean floors and tap into undersea communications cables – all power the efficient UKUSA signals intelligence machine.
“In the United States there is a concerted effort by intelligence agency heads, federal law enforcement officials and congressional representatives to defend the capabilities of Echelon.
“Their persuasive arguments point to the tragedies seen in the bombings in Oklahoma City and the World Trade Center in New York City.
“…But despite the real threats and dangers to the peace and protection of American citizens at home and abroad, the U.S. Constitution is quite explicit in limiting the scope and powers of government.”
– The Echelon: The NSA’s Global Spying Network
FISA Made Echelon Advanced Spy System Stronger
“FISA places no effective restraint on NSA surveillance on the international communications of U.S. citizens, of all types and in every place.
“Foreign corporations and multinationals, as well as governments, can also collect U.S. private communications.
“From a site near Havana, Cuba, both Russia and China operate facilities that intercept U.S. domestic communications.”
– Duncan Campbell
In 1978 the American public was tricked into thinking that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was established to curtail the NSA and the Echelon advanced surveillance system.
Instead it set up a secret court to rubber-stamp requests for spying on us!
“Seven judges on a secret court have authorized all but one of over 7,500 requests to spy in the name of National Security.
“They meet in secret, with no published orders, opinions, or public record. Those spied on may never know of the intrusion.
“Since its founding in 1978, a secret court created by. FISA. has received 7,539 applications to authorize electronic surveillance within the U.S.
“In the name of national security, the court has approved all but one of these requests from the Justice Department on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency.
“Each of these decisions was reached in secret, with no published orders, opinions, or public record.
“The people, organizations, or embassies spied on were not notified of either the hearing or the surveillance itself.
“The American Civil Liberties Union was not able to unearth a single instance in which the target of a FISA wiretap was allowed to review the initial application.
“Nor would the targets be offered any opportunity to see transcripts of the conversations taped by the government and explain their side of the story.
“…(The FISA court) now has legal authority to approve black-bag operations to authorize Department of Justice (DOJ) requests to conduct physical as well as electronic searches, without obtaining a warrant in open court, without notifying the subject, without providing an inventory of items seized.
“The targets need not be under suspicion of committing a crime, but may be investigated when probable cause results solely from their associations or status: for example, belonging to, or aiding and abetting organizations deemed to pose a threat to U.S. national security.
“Furthermore, despite a lowered standard for applying the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure than is necessary in other U.S. courts, under the 1995 expansion, evidence gathered by the FISA court may now be used in criminal trials.
“Previously, evidence was collected and stockpiled solely for intelligence purposes.”
– Exposing the Global Surveillance System
Echelon Advanced Spy System & Banking System
Our goal is to expose all Globalization (New World Order) efforts.
The Echelon advanced spy network is merely a symptom of allowing international bankers and industrialists to take control of our monetary system.
More education on this is available at Federal Reserve banking history and Money Creation.
Once you understand that the elite cabal funds its Global Community through illegal taxation and fraudulent debt creation, you can begin to see that one solution is to go after the funding.
By blindly buying into Federal taxes and a mountain of debt, Americans are unwittingly funding the elite and their totalitarian plans.
It doesn’t have to be this way. If the people are educated on the fraud, the fraud falls apart.
We suggest you allow Aaron Russo to educate you on the fraudulent tax issue.