Can We Eliminate Computer Radiation?
Eliminate Computer Radiation: Is it Possible?
For complete control over the office atmosphere, companies need to do their best to eliminate computer radiation from the workplace.
Computers are a reality in today’s business environment but that doesn’t mean companies can’t take steps to protect workers from the radiation that comes our of computer monitors.
Almost all electronics emit some form of radiation and a constant bombardment of these microwaves can cause sickness, impotence, fatigue, depression, and more.
Our society is a very sick one with both physical and mental illness taking their toll on just about everyone in the population.
The Real Health Effects
In recent years mental illness has spread to become an almost normal occurrence all over the United States.
People are spending billions of dollars on mood enhancing drugs, self help books, and other therapies just to be able to make it through the day with a good attitude.
We are a people that live with a lot of abundance but are still unhappy in record numbers.
Suicide attempts, especially with children, are on the rise.
Maybe our electronics are more to blame then we think, and we need to do everything we can to control the microwaves by cutting back on cell phone usage and eliminate computer radiation.
Finding a Solution
If we try to eliminate computer radiation it is only part of the solution. We need to know why microwave frequencies are allowed to fly around in the air getting people sick.
There is regulation on almost everything in our society. Where is the regulation on products that emit radiation?
Our healthcare system is one that thrives on sickness. Sick people mean more profit for insurance companies and large pharmaceuticals.
These companies are connected to international banking through Wall Street. They need sick people in order to thrive.
Our healthcare system needs readjustment. It is a system that rewards every participant in a way that does not contribute to the well being of the system.
Politicians campaign on healthcare reform every time they hit the stump. Do they really want reform?
The Price of Radiation
Real healthcare reform takes poisons out of the air and works to keep people healthy on a continual basis.
This is not a method that will profit anyone but the patients. Just like Ford makes no money selling me a car that lasts 100,000 miles, Wall Street makes no money with healthy people.
There are a lot of people who are aware of how the international bankers are profiting from sickness. These people cook with fresh food.
They take vitamins and exercise on a regular basis. Healthy lifestyle is of paramount importance. How do you get these people sick?
The answer to the above question is obvious. Fill the air with poison.
Radiation is an invisible poison that is so pervasive in our society that it is impossible to avoid.
You can’t go anywhere without running into a cell phone or a computer or a bunch of power lines running over your head. The bankers make sure everyone can get sick.
You can eliminate computer radiation and stop using a cell phone, but the radiation is still out there. It is unknown how badly this will affect the United States in the years to come.