Employment Credit Reporting Facts
Employment Credit Reporting is Used to Determine if Someone is Worthy of a Job. The Credit System is Once Again Being Used to Disenfranchise the Working Class.
It is hard enough trying to live a normal life when bills pile up, people are being laid off from jobs and hours are cut.
Some companies won’t hire you if your credit score is less than perfect.
The government devised a way to “grade” you on the way you live; if you are late on a few payments the government marks up your credit with red flags that tell anyone that looks at your score that you are not to be trusted.
The whole point of getting a new job is so that you can pay your bills on time, but with employee credit reporting this can be impossible.
Employers will choose not to hire you because you bounced a check or couldn’t pay a medical bill; this is extremely unfair because it is nobody’s business, but your own, how you pay your bills.
Ccredit reporting tells the potential employer that you are a deadbeat that cannot be trusted and that you can’t pay your bills.
The potential employer then decides not to hire you because you are a “liability”; apparently if you have a poor credit score it automatically means that you are a cheater, liar, and a thief.
Credit reporting has made it impossible for the little guy to get a better job so that he can pay his overdue bills. With credit reporting, the government ensures that the rich stay rich, and the poor stay poor.
For people living in poverty trying to better themselves so that they can better provide for their families, employment credit reporting makes this almost impossible.
Middle class people can go to college, get a degree, apply for the job and be the most qualified for it and still not get it because of a poor credit score.
How is anyone ever going to be able to pay bills if they cannot get a better job to do so?
Employment credit reporting has made sure that if you declared bankruptcy five years ago, you won’t get a good job until the seventh year.
The marks on credit are put on almost immediately after you are sent to collections for an unpaid or late bill and then takes seven years to remove.
How to Get the Job
The only way to get the coveted job with bad credit is to pay off your unpaid bills.
This sounds easy, at least that is what the potential employer would tell you to do. “Just pay your bills and then reapply”.
Unfortunately not everyone can just pay off all their bills because the income they are currently receiving is not enough to do so.
The government devised this plan of employment credit reporting because they think it will help protect the employers, but what they don’t know or don’t care is this hurts most of America.
Is McDonald’s Hiring?
Because many Americans have poor credit scores and cannot get better jobs, this means they will be stuck in places like fast food restaurants, gas stations, and mini marts.
There will be no time to spend with families because they will be too busy trying to make ends meet.
Holiday’s like Christmas and New Year’s will be worked in order to give their children the very best and birthday’s will be missed, tears will be shed, and bills will go unpaid, all because of employment credit reporting.