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Fraudulent EPA Approved Studies

EPA Approved Corrupt Science is Influenced by the International Banking Mafia Who Really Pulls the Strings at the EPA. 

The environmental movement in the United States has been hijacked by the international banking mafia in an effort to advance its totalitarian New World Order Agenda.

“I realized that the movement I had started was being taken over by politicos, basically, and that they were using it for fundraising purposes.”

– Patrick Moore: ecologist, lifelong environmentalist, and a founder and former president of Greenpeace on why he left the corrupt organization

The issue of global warming has been a hotly contested debate in recent years. 

The mainstream media would have Americans believe global warming is entirely their fault, but how much of this is true, and how much is simply hype? 

Some reports indicate global warming is a result of CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases. 

However, there is scientific evidence suggesting the current warming trend is merely a result of a natural warming and cooling cycle that has taken place for millennia. 

Just as the seasons change from year to year, the global climate also changes over the course of decades and centuries, regardless of human activity. 

There are also indications that current EPA approved “scientific evidence” is based on quack science whose true intent is to generate profit for the international banking mafia. 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), established in 1988 by the United Nations, is a “scientific” group charged with evaluating the risk of global warming caused by human activity. 

The IPCC periodically produces detailed Climate Change Assessment Reports which are the basis of climate change legislation around the world. 

The problem with these reports, much like many EPA approved reports is that, while they may be based on scientific studies, the reports are revised by policy makers prior to being released to the public. 

The purpose of these creative reports is to influence public policy in an attempt to benefit the international banking mafia’s totalitarian New World Order Agenda.

Taxpayers Defrauded

The EPA is a government agency charged with caring for the environment and studying its impact on human health. 

Unfortunately, the EPA approved report appears to be a tool for forming policies based on political agendas rather than safeguarding the health of the American taxpayers who fund the organization’s activities. 

Advancing Agenda

Americans should think for themselves and take the time to read EPA approved reports before forming an opinion. 

Non-thinkers only help spread misinformation by jumping on the bandwagon of politically motivated “causes”. 

This ignorance only helps advance the New World Order Agenda of the banking mafia. 

Interplanetary Warming 

Cyclical changes in the sun’s production of sunspots result in cooling and warming periods experienced throughout the Milky Way. 

EPA approved studies often use fraudulent scientific practices to support claims about global warming. 

Presenting human beings and CO2 as the sole cause is all about generating corporate profit.

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