EPA Fails to Enforce Regulations
EPA Fails to Enforce Regulations Aiding Conspiracy.
We are indoctrinated to think that our government exists only to protect and serve us.
Many have a hard believing that those who have sworn to protect us are actively working against our best interests and long ago sold our freedom and liberty to the highest bidder.
Our government is no longer of, by and for the people but instead is a tool of a group of international criminals bend on world domination.
A banking mafia has long plotted to consolidate power into a single, one world government that will rob the world’s people of liberty and freedom.
These are the same people who have made trillions of dollars manipulating central banks, playing nations against each other and robbing the people of the world.
They think of nothing of our rights or national sovereignty and crave the ultimate power.
In their New World Order nations will be extinct and will be replaced by regional unions that will funnel their power into a central world government.
The end is coming soon as the actions of the last decade have shown the true enemy is on the attack more than ever.
The banking mafia controls governments through manipulation and corruption and uses their different agencies like pawns in a chess game.
Through media control we never see the whole story and are only fed the spun lies they want us to believe.
We must read between the lines and see the truth for what it is.
Even when the media reports that the EPA fails to enforce regulations or the FDA makes a mistake in drug approval we must understand that we are only being given half of the truth.
9/11 Attacks and PNAC
As much as many of us don’t want to admit that our government could be involved in the worse terrorist attacks on the United States we have to face the facts that the official 9-11 story does not make sense.
For those that do not believe the government knew about and was involved in the 9-11 attacks you need only look at the Project for a New American Century.
PNAC was a neo-conservative think tank that came out with a report in 2000 stating what America must do to maintain its position on top in the coming hundred years.
PNAC called for regime changes in more than twenty nations around the world, with Afghanistan and Iraq being at the top of the list.
PNAC conceded that the American public would not support prolonged and costly wars unless they were victims of a “Pearl Harbor type attack”.
Cover Up
Eyewitness accounts show that the towers were actually brought down by internal charges.
Once collapsed the government needed to clean up the site as quickly as possible and distract the American public from evidence of any wrongdoing.
The government needed every thing to get back to normal as quickly as possible and redirect the nation’s anger into a blank check for wars and restrictions of civil liberties.
The White House pushed the EPA to announce that the area was safe to return to. EPA fails to enforce regulations when it went along with this order.
They knew the air was contaminated with asbestos and toxic chemicals yet they said the area was safe to return to.
Thousands Sick and Dying
With the blood of thousands already on their hands and as the EPA fails to enforce regulations people poured into the area.
They were told to go back to work, get the stock market back open and encouraged to help with the clean up.
The government knew what they were doing and let civilians die anyways, all on orders from their banking mafia task masters.
Something as seemingly minor as when the EPA fails to enforce regulations can be a part of a larger conspiracy that leads to the deaths of innocents.