The Estimated Cost of the Georgia Guidestones Adds to It’s Mystery
Estimated Cost of the Georgia Guidestones Means the Group was Well Funded.
The Estimated Cost of the Georgia Guide stones is over $100,000 in 1980 terms.
This doesn’t include the cost of shipping the stone or the cost of engraving it. $100,000 is the estimated cost of the stone itself.
The Georgia guide stones are 19 foot tall monolithic granite structures erected in 1980 and carved with writing in multiple languages from an individual calling himself R.C. Christian.
Many people take the moniker of R.C. Christian to be that this is a member of the Catholic Church.
The writing on the stones themselves is translated into 14 different languages and the secrecy surrounding the stones has propelled conspiracy theories in the last 20 years.
Because they were erected on a remote location on a hilltop in Georgia and because they are aligned astrologically to sun and moon cycles, people point to the obvious similarities with Christian mythology and ancient artefacts like Stonehenge.
The Georgia monument makes a call for sustainable living in conjunction with mother Earth.
It is interesting to note that around this time the club of Rome published the agenda 21 report and the Gaia hypothesis was born as well.
Many people who see the depopulation agenda of the United Nations and its sister organisations point to the Georgia guides to is as a potential endgame in this regard.
The Agenda
It is worthwhile to question why someone would spend the estimated cost of the Georgia guide stones on a monolithic structure on top of a hill in the middle of nowhere.
What has fuelled the conspiracy theories is the anonymity surrounding the original Commissioner of this artefact which was obviously built to last for a very long time.
One of its key elements is that the earth’s population should be reduced by 92% to around 500 million people.
They also want to guide reproduction wisely to improve fitness and diversity within the human gene pool.
The Population Reduction Agenda and Mother Earth
In addition to this, uniting humanity with a living language is also a stated goal on the Georgia guides stones.
They advise that we should rule out passion, faith and tradition and temper these with reason… which means that the faith should be overcome by reason. It is here where we see the Gaia hypothesis is most clearly.
The globalist’s agenda of a one world order can be seen carved into granite.
Other interesting carvings include protecting people and nations with laws and courts, avoiding petty laws and useless officials, balancing personal rights with social duties, praising truth, beauty, love and harmony above all else.
Chillingly, it directs mankind not to be a cancer on the earth and to leave room for nature.
It is the comparison of humanity to a cancer on the organism of the Earth which has sent chills down the spines of many people.
The premise of environmental sustainable living and the population reduction required in order to achieve that balance has given cause for concern to a lot of people.
Perhaps the biggest question is why would someone pay the estimated cost of the Georgia guide stone’s in 1982 to erect a series of 19 foot granite monoliths on a remote hill in Georgia inscribed with what can only be described as anti-humanistic writing?
It seems as if the people who paid the estimated cost of the Georgia guide stone’s the Georgia guides to get their way, more than nine in 10 of us will be dead.