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The European Union Objetive isn’t what Many People Think

The European Union Objective is to Eliminate Sovereignty For the States.

The European Union objective is not to unite the union in order to make Europe stronger, but instead it has the goal of eliminating state and country rights in order to create one government for the people. 

The EU wants to completely eliminate borders in Europe and get rid of all of the individual governments in order to make one government that will control the entire union. 

They are well on their way to reaching the European Union objective, as they have already destroyed many of the different currencies with the euro, a currency that many of the countries in the union now use.

Soon, this plan will spread past Europe as the entire world will join together in order to create a one world government that will be in total and complete control.

The EU is the blueprint for the one world government and it is being used as a way for the global elite to figure out the problems such a government can cause and to fix those problems before the New World Order is formed. 

The second phase is the North American Union, where the US teamed up with Canada and Mexico in order to form one nation. 

The US has the same objective as the European Union, and that objective is to rid the world of borders and allow full consolidation of all of the countries.

People need to realize the harm that will be done when this occurs, as the world will have to conform to a new set of standards, and in many cases, the new set of standards will be inferior to the standards that currently rule a country. 

For example, the European Union objective is not to make sure people are taken care of, and it is not to make sure human rights abuses do not occur, but instead, it is to make sure everyone is controlled. 

That means the rules that people have been governed under in the past will no longer apply, and the only rules that will matter are the rules that are enforced by the new union. 

The new union will not give the rights to people, as they will not be able to govern people that have a great deal of rights, so thus it will be easier for them to simply take the rights away and allow the people to suffer. 

The Super State Agenda

Monetary Control 

The money has all the power, and thus whoever controls the money controls the power.

The European Union objective is to control all of the money, and thus control all of the power.

People are not able to have any power because their money is regulated. The government made a bold move when they created the euro.

In the end, there will be only one monetary system in place for the entire world, and it will be controlled by the elite. 

Language Control

The language barrier is something else that must be addressed before the New World Order comes into play, and that is why the European Union is being used as a way to figure the problem out.

The EU will convert to English, as will the NWO. By creating one language the barriers will be erased even more.

People will lose a part of themselves and forget about their countries. That is the goal of the union and the goal of the global elite.

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