Face Recognition System
Face Recognition System Growing Use in US Helps Country Rank Among Top Surveillance Societies on Earth.
Current biometric technology allows for a face recognition system to identify individual people.
This system is based in a computer program, to analyze and identify specific human faces.
These programs measure the distance between the eyes, nose length, jaw angle etc., to create a template for a subject, and compares that with images in a databank.
If this sounds like the technology a Terminator robot uses to identify its targets in the Sci Fi films and current TV series, that’s because it is.
But its is also very real and is in use today, within the private sector and by the US Government in growing fashion.
Driver’s license photos and passport photos are among the sources for this database in the United States.
The FBI is in the process of building a mega computer system, which will serve as the centralized home of biometric data in the possession of the federal government.
In the summer of 2008 the direct order from the President was issued for the central collection of this information.
Since the constitution has effectively been circumvented by a series of laws signed into effect over the last decade, there are no legal obstacles to the collection of this data, without the consent of the public.
Interpol Wants a World on Camera
An international face recognition system of security was proposed by Interpol, the international police bureau in 2008.
They have proposed an automatic system on all international borders.
In the US, Federal Marshals have already been using hand held devices to photograph travelers at borders, allegedly to identify terrorists by comparison with the US database of biometric information.
Several cities in the United States have also been installing cameras in the past years.
The system is growing in the US, with most of the public unaware that they are starting to be watched.
Evidence exists that this is not effective against terror, but that evidence is being ignored and the system is continuing to be expanded.
Cameras in Europe Didn’t Stop Terror
Europe has longer experience with a face recognition system in the alleged war against terror.
The United Kingdom is one concrete example. 1.5 million cameras are installed in that country
Londoners are estimated to have their photograph taken as many as 300 times per day. Yet not one terrorist has been caught with this technology.
US and China are the Worst
The Electronic Privacy Information Center has sought to spark public debate and concern, with the face recognition system being put into use in the US and throughout Europe.
The UK based Privacy International already ranked the US as one of the most extreme surveillance societies, on the face of the Earth.
The peers of the US in this select group of extremist countries are Russia, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.
The self proclaimed leader of the “free world” is rapidly becoming one of the societies, where citizen freedom is shrinking the fastest.
The US public needs to awaken and fight for a return to Constitutional order, before it is too late.