The Federal Government Credit
The Federal Government Credit is Tied to Your Labor Because it is the American Taxpayer Who is Liable for the Trillions of Dollars of US Government Debt.
The term, federal government credit, is an oxymoron because our money is based on debt, not credit.
We operate under a fiat money system, meaning a system in which money is created through the creation of debt without anything backing it.
Knowing this, is it any wonder that every year news stories come out saying we are going deeper and deeper into debt, both as individuals and as a society?
Fiat money is money that is printed with no backing other the federal government’s ability to raise taxes to pay for it.
It is basically a way to enable the Federal Reserve System to create money from thin air, with no backing whatsoever.
In light of this, it is clear that the federal government has no credit. Their “credit” is based upon the people paying ever higher taxes.
It also becomes clear that inflation is merely a tax with another name, obligating the people to pay for debts which they did not authorize.
This is why some researchers call inflationary taxation another form of slavery, only this time the “masters” are the international bankers.
This is not the system intended by our Founders, and it is clearly unconstitutional.
Unfortunately, our candidates for public office are hand-picked by the banking cartel, so there is little chance that any politicians will uphold the Constitution by getting rid of this evil system.
Raising Taxes for Federal Government Credit
Our politicians are as addicted to spending money which is not theirs as any drug addict is addicted to the next “fix”.
So, they need a steady influx of money to pay for all those wonderful new programs they wish to start in order to buy votes from the misled populace.
If taxes exist to pay the federal debt, then it stands to reason that the income tax is unnecessary without the fiat money system which is based on federal debt.
In fact, America did just fine without income tax for well over 100 years.
You are a Slave to Federal Government Credit
This fiat money system is merely another form of enslavement. Our labor is confiscated in the form of income tax to pay private bankers.
This process not only facilitates federal spending, it requires and encourages it.
Our system would collapse without federal government spending.
It could be argued that it would be better to let the system collapse and start over again.
A much less harmful option would be to simply get rid of the central bank now, and go back to our original money system, as allowed in the Constitution.
Under the Constitution, only Congress has the power to create money anyway.