Who Really Owns the Federal Reserve?
Who Really Owns the Federal Reserve Has Been a Well Designed Illusion for Many Years as the Name Fed Implies Government Ownership When it’s a Crooked Private Corp.
Who really owns the federal reserve can be answered by applying a few basic rules of ownership.
In spite of the word “Federal” in the name, the Fed is a private entity, owned by wealthy individuals and large corporations.
The Founding Fathers of the United States were steadfastly opposed to centralized banking, for good reason.
Thomas Jefferson: “If the people ever allow the banks to issue their currency, the banks and corporations … will deprive the people off all property, until their children wake up homeless …”
If those whose responsibility it was to create and watch over the country were opposed to a centralized bank, who did create it?
Applying logic and reason, who really owns the federal reserve is apparent.
James Madison, one of the founding fathers: “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible, to maintain their control over governments, by controlling money and its issuance”.
The words of the founding fathers were clear. Centralize banking would create an unthinkable fate for the American people.
Who benefits from the Fed? It is certainly not the people whose tax monies go, in large portion, to repay the false debt levied by the IRS to repay the Fed.
Yet it continues to be supported by Congress in spite of public opposition.
The question must be in every sensible person’s mind. If a Congressman is not acting in the interest of his constituents, someone must be pulling his strings.
The only possibility is that he is being manipulated. Money is the tool. Private interest is the culprit.
No Audits Have Ever Been Recorded
At the request of the government, the Fed buys bills (paper) from the Treasury for pennies per bill, then loans the bills to the government at an exorbitant rate, which is paid by the IRS through personal income taxes.
The result is currency with no intrinsic value, and at a tremendous cost.
Why isn’t this information in the news when things are so dreadfully wrong here? The answer, the media and its owners have too much at stake.
The group who really owns the federal reserve makes a profit, lots of profit, through a time of inflation. It is not the common man!
If there could be a dollar value placed on the US economy, which holds an amount of currency equivalent to that value, what happens when billions more in currency (not in value) are dumped into the economy? Inflation.
The Selling of America
Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserved Act in 1913 said, “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.”
During times of tremendous personal financial upheaval, the ultra wealthy few buy properties and businesses at an elevated rate, all in the name of saving those who are being systematically swindled, from ruin.
While personal depression and suicide go through the roof, and the value of the dollar is on the floor, congress continues to turn a blind eye and allows the Fed to plow forward, completely unchecked. The individual has been sold.
A man by the name of Mayer Auschel Bauer, who you know as Mayer Rothschild, was a known swindler and racketeer.
He changed his name and came to power prior to the American Revolution and, with his sons, built what became known as the House of Rothschild.
Rothschild was not a real person. It is a name, or title taken on by a man with ambitions to control whole countries.
That ambition was shared with his sons and passed on to future generations of Rothschilds.
He said, “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” Rothschild banks are powerful owners of the Fed.
Not a Government Institution
History shows, who really owns the federal reserve is not the government.
Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency said as much in a speech.
He called them, “private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States, for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers”.
That is according to Congressional Record 12595 – 12603, June 10, 1932.
The Fed does not work in the best interest of the people or the government. There is no aspiration of serving the greater good. There is only greed.
While those rich, in the current system, will certainly get richer, it is at great personal cost.
Greed, as pointed out by Shakespeare in MacBeth, gets its own revenge against the greedy.
You are playing a game with very high stakes. The game is won by awareness.
Take time to see what is not right and take steps, even small ones, to work toward what is right.
By manipulating the media, right can be made to look wrong, and wrong, right.
Assume that to be the case and ask your self if things really make sense as they are presented.