Who Controls the Federal Reserve?
Who Controls the Federal Reserve is a Surprise to Most Hard Working Americans. The Fed is Controlled by the Same Banking Elite Who Engineered the US Economic Crisis.
Most Americans think they don’t need to know who controls the Federal Reserve.
They do not understand how important and revealing it is learn that those who are in charge wield an enormous power to economically control us.
The Federal Reserve is a group of twelve Federal Reserve Banks that have complete control over the U.S. money supply.
They have the ability to print new money and control rates of inflation. The Fed has a literal monopoly on the creation of new money in America.
Many people believe that the Fed makes huge profits by taking small percentages of the U.S. economy.
Since the Fed charges member banks for its services, it is able to accrue huge sums of money.
But why is a bank that is working for the U.S. government permitted to charge fees for basic services?
The Fed can do this because they maintain their status as a private bank with connections to the government.
When asking who controls the Federal Reserve, realize it is a group of elite private bankers who are in charge.
In the end, the Fed gets the best of both worlds they get government protection without government intrusion, while still being able to behave like a private bank.
The Fed has also been granted the authority to fix currency exchange rates, which could generate profits of up to a billion dollars a day.
But the principle way that the Fed makes money is through money creation and inflation. Inflation is commonly referred to as invisible taxation.
Basically, the Fed is in charge of creating money, which it then lends to member banks for a service fee.
The banks then loan this money out to hard-working Americans who need the money to buy real goods: cars, homes, businesses, etc.
Since the Fed has sole control over money creation, they can print as much money as they desire and continue to distribute it to member banks.
In the end, it is the American people who lose out as they are forced to submit to usurious interests rates on money that was created out of thin air.
Examining the Fed
You don’t have to be an economist at the Wharton School of Business to know that paper money is intrinsically worthless.
And, therefore, paper money cannot create wealth, it can only redistribute it.
This is the shell game that the Fed is playing with millions of Americans every day.
They simply print money, lend it to member banks and make a nice profit.
It is a nice little scheme, and it has helped the Fed steal billions of dollars from the American people.
Understand the Fed
The simple but disturbing fact is that the Fed has complete control over the U.S. money supply, and they are not using this power responsibly.
They continue to create huge amounts of money out of thin air and loan it to banks for a profit.
This not only steals money from the American people, it also depresses the value of the dollar.
Americans who have traveled overseas of late are certain to know that the dollar, once an international standard, is now looked upon with disdain.
Every time they are forced to realize how invaluable the dollar is, they need to look at who controls the Federal Reserve.
Jackal2600 November 27, 2022
If dollars are worthless, then why would anyone care if the federal reserve steals them?