Which States Allow Wiretapping
Which States Allow Wiretapping is an Unimportant Issue When One Recognizes That Our Federal Government Has the Means to Spy on Any Citizen at Any Time.
Which states allow wiretapping is a mute point when federal law allows the wiretapping, or recording, of phone calls and all other forms of electronic communication.
Any state restrictions that exist do not apply to our federal government.
The laws for states that allow wiretapping start by using the federal law as the common denominator upon which they build their stricter laws.
States may not make a more lenient law then the federal statute. Twelve states have stricter laws and require the consent of all parties involved in order to be recorded.
These states are: California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
The Federal Communications Commission also implemented a rule that prohibits the eavesdropping on cordless or cellular phones.
A person who is not party to the conversation is not allowed to eavesdrop or record the conversation unless all parties agree.
It is also illegal to disclose the contents of an illegally obtained call, which kind of figures. Hmm, the rules appear pretty clear about wiretapping.
Regardless of which states allow wiretapping with permission from one party or both, the fact is the government listens to anything, anytime, from anyone they feel the need to.
The excuse is this is needed for national security, but just how so and what have we accomplished by it has never been revealed to the American public.
The scary part is the illegal wiretapping has been done for years.
We would never have been told about it had it not been discovered by a couple of investigative reporters for the New York Times, who subsequently went on to win Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting.
Obama Carries on the Tradition
President Barack Obama was voted in on his smooth talking and promises of change.
In regards to wiretapping and which states allow wiretapping, he’s done nothing but the same as his predecessor or worse.
Earlier this year, Obama sided with the Bush administration on a closely watched legal case over whether or not a US president can bypass Congress and establish an eavesdropping program on Americans without the person’s knowledge or approval.
Legal experts say the positioning by Obama makes his actions worse than Bush’s because his department of justice now states that the government can never, ever, be sued for breaking the above federal violations.
If the government can get away with breaking this law, and they shouldn’t be allowed to, then what other laws will they conveniently decide they don’t need to obey?
The fact is this is all part of the coming police state and New World Order.
The gradual erosion of our rights and freedoms is being instigated by the banking elite who put the puppet politicians in place.
Obama wouldn’t be in office if he hadn’t agreed to do what they ask of him. Expect to loose more freedoms.
All Part of the Growing Police State
The federal wiretapping laws in combination with which states allow wiretapping and to what degree are but the tip of the iceberg.
The fact of the matter is the government has been up to dirty tricks for years and now they’re just getting bolder.
We are, or can be, videoed by surveillance cameras most of the time except when we’re in the privacy of our own homes. And now, even our homes can be eavesdropped upon.
The technology is available for someone, perhaps the government, to turn on the microphones in our cell phones so our conversations can be monitored and the same with our computers.
With the latter, any video device can remotely be turned on so we can be watched in the privacy of our own homes without even knowing it.
The collective sigh of relief the nation released when Bush left office should be replaced with a collective gasp of shock at how Obama is flip flopping around on the very people he so successfully charmed just a short while ago.
The convenient thing is, most of the laws are already in place for Obama.
George W. Bush removed more of our constitutional rights than any president in recent history and Obama doesn’t have to take the heat for it.
He can either just be quiet about them or, as in the case of which states allow wiretapping, simply say national security requires it and leave it at that.
The great change he promised is coming, but it’s in the form of a New World Order run by the elite of the world. That’s the bit he left out in the election speeches.