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Federal Reserve Defrauds America

The Federal Reserve Defrauds us All Because we Think we Have Money but All we Have Are Debt Notes and Enslavement to the Global Banking Elite.

While the Federal government purports to be of, by and for the people, it is guilty of a multitude of abuses against its citizenry.

Constitutional violations are rampant, such as illegal search and seizures, warrantless wire taps and the illegal detaining of suspects.

Other illegal and tyrannical acts are so ingrained in our modern society the average citizen no longer sees any problem with them.

One of the most heinous examples is how our nation’s monetary system is illegally controlled by a privately owned entity; the Federal Reserve System, also known as the Fed.

Not only should this system not be allowed to exist, but the Federal Reserve defrauds the citizens of this nation in a variety of ways.

The most blatant way the Federal Reserve defrauds the American people is by printing money at will.

The Fed controls the money supply and when more is needed by the government they just print it.

However, much like issuing more stock in a private corporation, you dilute the value of current shares when you print more.

Thus, when the Fed prints more dollars the dollars we earn are worth less.

This is the inflationary problem we face in our country. The government is levying a form of tax on us and we don’t even see it.

The Federal Reserve defrauds us through inflation because there is no physical commodity backing our money.

This fiat currency is worth what it is worth because the Fed says it is worth that.

If we were still on the gold standard, the Fed or the government wouldn’t be able to print more money than the gold could back up.

Lender of Last Resort

The Fed also has the job of being the lender of last resort. If banks or other financial institutions need an influx of money the Fed is there to step in.

The Fed has long had ties to Wall Street and the financial elite, in fact it is owned by them.

The Senator who proposed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was Nelson Aldrich, friend to J.P. Morgan and father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Recent examples of banks and insurance companies needing Fed money to continue working and not cause the chain reaction of market failures are plentiful.

This reliance on the Fed has been manufactured by them to gain further control.

CEO’s earning multi-million dollar salaries get their bonuses and golden parachutes while the Federal Reserve steals from the American people by printing more money to bail them out.

The CEOs simply did as they were told and were rewarded for it.

Privately Owned

The Federal Reserve System is an independent entity outside the U.S. government.

It is owned by elite banking families throughout the country and world who earn interest on their investments.

The Federal Reserve was not granted its powers from the Constitution and Congress overstepped it’s boundaries by delegating its duty to coin money to a privately owned entity.

Therefore, the Federal Reserve defrauds us all first and foremost by simply being an illegal entity, but this was all planned by the banking elite who own it.

There is further proof the Federal Reserve defrauds the citizens of the United States in that there is no government oversight.

Proponents claim that presidents and politicians should not have control over the Fed because they may manipulate the money supply to suit their political needs.

But are we naive enough to believe this doesn’t happen anyway?

Members of the Fed are worse than career politicians and always looking to form new alliances and ensure they will have comfortable positions in Washington or elsewhere.

With no elected officials in charge of the Fed, or any oversight by Congress, the Federal Reserve System defrauds us by denying us a central bank with accountability to the taxpayers.

What is more amazing than the impunity with which the Federal Reserve defrauds the citizenry is that we all accept it.

The average tax payer looks to the government, Wall Street and the Fed to let them know the economic status of the nation.

They only know if the economy is going well by listening to what these financial and political task masters tell them.

All the while, they have no oversight or control over a private group of bankers who manipulate the money supply to profit from the money they make.

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