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What is the Ford Bailout Plan?

The Ford Bailout Plan is to Vehemently Resist the Clutches of Loans.

The Ford bailout plan is to resist the temptation of government “loans” at all cost.

The auto industry has been hit hard by the American recession, with General Motors and Chrysler both urgently requiring government bailouts.

Many speculated that Ford Motors would take the same route, but it seems that the auto company is not ignorant of the banking elite’s drive for total ownership.

The bailout money has come at a price for Chrysler and GM, as the state now practically owns these companies on behalf of the banks.

This other company is determined to get through the recession without bailout money that has seen the other auto companies increasingly indebted.

The Federal Reserve has created this recession by fixing inflation and creating money that is not backed by anything.

The elite bankers behind the Federal Reserve, the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Schiffs and the Warburgs, lend money to our federal government with a hefty interest rate attached.

The tax-payers have to foot the bill for everything, and even then there is no end in sight to our immense federal deficit.

The banking elite, the shadow government, are moving towards a one world government by devaluing our dollar, ruining our economy and taking control of the private sector.

Ford Bailout Plan to Cut Jobs

Ford has it own plan. The company plans to bail itself out.

Despite the fact that GM and Chrysler are sitting comfortably with government money, it appears that Ford has realized that that the best cure to the recession is to deepen the crisis for working Americans.

Ford is already building its new plant in Mexico where it pans to move its operations thus cutting costs by ending union wages.

Economic Engineering

The Ford bailout plan is just another effrontery to working Americans.

We cannot underestimate the fact that this recession has been engineered by the money powers, the elitist bankers behind the Federal Reserve.

Political intervention is now being presented as the cure for all ills, but it will not solve anything.

The best bailout plan for our country would be to put an end to the treacherous Federal Reserve and its sinister inflation fixing and lending policies.

Putting toxic debt on taxpayers cannot be justified in any way.

As an alternative, cutting taxes and decreasing government spending would make a substantial difference.

Why don’t they do it? Because the elitist New World Order agenda influences policy-making.

Saying no to Government Interference

Our private sector is increasingly being centralized into the hands of the banks.

This is the dream of the shadow government, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

The nation is becoming enslaved through debt to a select owning class. Loans come at a price, the price of freedom.

The Ford bailout plan is only made possible by the Free Trade Agreement know as NAFTA which allows capital to move freely to the south where it will pay slave wages for what had once been decent jobs.

The U.S. is improving roadways in order to have a mega corridor from Canada to Mexican and southern ports which will also facilitate moving Ford’s products northwards.

Profits are placed before peoples’ livelihoods by Ford just as much as by the banks.

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