Do Americans Have the Freedom of Speech and Religion which They were Granted?
Freedom of Speech and Religion Have Been Stolen.
All citizens of the United States of America were granted the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion by the United States Constitution.
The constitution was not written to say that only certain people are allowed to speak freely.
The constitution does not say that Americans are allowed to practice any religion except for a few.
Citizens in the United States were given rights by the founding fathers, and the current government is charged with the duty of upholding these rights.
Are current practices in the country following the intentions of the constitution?
People are definitely not always allowed to freely express their ideas.
While not all things fall victim to censorship, there are many that do.
Are all drugs deemed to be illegal for appropriate reasons?
People are allowed to practice a religion of their choosing, but are they allowed to do so without fear of persecution?
American society has biases in certain directions and those biases are definitely felt by the people whom they are against.
The government grants various freedoms to the people of the United States.
Freedom of speech and religion are both near the most essential of those.
The government is also supposed to be the enforcer of those freedoms.
Does this mean that only the government is needed to be kept in check? No.
Each and every person whether they care to admit it or not has prejudices. These prejudices are part of what guides us through our lives.
Most people hold these prejudices close, and keep them as thoughts instead of expressing them to others.
Acting on these prejudices, is what ends up infringing on the rights of people. People become persecuted for things they say or do.
The Nazi Holocaust was a direct result of people acting upon their prejudices against a certain religion.
The responsibility of the government of the United States is to protect the people from these infringements upon their freedoms, as well as to allow these freedoms to people.
A person may ask themselves how often the United States government censors things.
The public is more than likely not privy to even half of what is censored in today’s society.
It would be interesting to see a report of censoring in its entirety.
The freedom of speech and religion are essential. If they are taken away, part of what makes America special is being taken away.
The government needs to make adjustments and do all it can to protect those freedoms for its citizens.
While it is widely denied that religious and racial profiling are used by the government. It is unfortunately becoming obvious that this is not true.
In airports, people are watched closer when they are of Arab decent, because they are believed to be Muslim.
These people are not being fully given their freedom of religion, because their religion has come to be associated with terrorism.
While certain measures need to be taken to keep people safe, this is not one of them.
Treat every person the same. Take the same security measures with all people and safety will follow.
All Americans enjoy the freedom of speech and religion. It can be argued that the current state of these rights is not at the level it was originally intended.
If the government continues profiling and censoring will we continue to have the freedom of speech and religion?