Global Positioning Site Tracks People
A Global Positioning Site Allows the Elite to Keep Track of Your Every Move. Techno Indoctrination by the NWO Has Citizens Accepting of Invasive Police State.
In order for you to use you GPS enabled device, a global positioning site has to be established.
This is accomplished by the GPS enabled device communicating with a satellite in order to pinpoint your exact location on the globe. Big Brother is Watching.
Your location is pinpointed down to your longitude and latitude so that the computers can recognize it as a set of numbers.
This information can then be communicated and recorded, to be used as the elite see fit.
In their minds, the more they know about you, where you are going and what you are doing, the better that they can control you.
They plan to establish a New World Order, and one thing that they feel is necessary is to be able to establish control over every citizen.
Devices that are used in order to create a global positioning site vary, but one thing remains the same, and that is that they all are marketed to you as a device that makes your life better.
Almost all of the devices have been found to be something that people would value if they had it through continuing research to find out what people value.
The elite use this information to create new devices that they can sell to you as a value to you while still doing what they want them to do.
The navigation system in your car was the start of the private sector using a GPS enabled device to give directions and tell you where on the map you are.
The elite did not want to stop with devices that were restricted to your car, so they developed smaller GPS devices that can fit into your pocket like the Cobra GPS system.
Of course, even if you do not use something that calls itself a GPS device, they are still able to track you using GPS enabled devices like your cell phone and television to track you.
These things are used to not only track your every move, but also to record your preferences so that they can better know you.
The better that they know you, the better the elite feel that they can control you, what you buy and where you go.
File Sharing
Almost everyone has a phone in their camera these days. One thing about having a device that creates a global positioning site for you is that they communicate with the satellites that spy on you.
Along with relaying your position, the phone can also relay all your information on your phone.
The information relayed on the phone is not just the numbers of the people that you call, but also the pictures of your friends and family that you have taken.
The elite will then sift through the information in order to better decide what it is you value.
Finding a Direction in Life
One way in which the elite use the information that they glean from tracking your every move is to try to tell you where you should be going in your life.
They can direct marketing campaigns specifically designed to you by knowing where you are going and what you will be watching.
They do this by creating a global positioning site and then record it along with your preferences.
Advertising is made to speak directly to you and to make you want to go in the direction that Big Brother feels is best for you. Just one more way the elite is trying to think for you.