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Do CPS Workers Use Intimidation Techniques?

Intimidation Techniques are Used by CPS Workers to Unlawfully Confiscate Children From Their Parents.

The intimidation techniques used by Child Protection Service (CPS) workers is any parent’s worst nightmare.

The CPS is one of the most profitable businesses in America, and one that is encouraging the confiscation of children without probable cause.

Children have become commodities, traded for financial gain by CPS workers.

Harsh intimidation tactics are employed by CPS workers to facilitate this process of making children into commodities.

Parental rights are disregarded and CPS workers trample the Constitution without any fear of prosecution.

This is because the justice system is inextricably linked to CPS child profiteering.

Despite the numerous known cases of CPS corruption, our government fails to intervene.

This is because the CPS has become an instrument of intimidation that reinforces the dominance of the state.

We need only look at the increasing cases of intimidation at the Department of Motor Vehicles and U.S. airports to realize that totalitarianism is creeping into our society.

A global police state is the ultimate goal of the criminal elitist cabal who conspire together in establishments like the Bilderberg Group.

In Breach of Parental Rights

There is plentiful evidence to suggest that America is moving progressively towards becoming a totalitarian state.

Parents are now the target of government agencies, and their constitutional rights are being disregarded in favor of harsh intimidation tactics.

Parents who exercise their religious rights or their right to bear arms are having their children confiscated.

CPS workers conduct unreasonable searches and seizures of homes without probable cause.

Children are taken away from perfectly fit parents, and when these parents exercise their freedom of speech or freedom of press, they are threatened and their websites are removed from the Internet.

Parental Rights Denied in the Case of Poverty

Some parents are accused by CPS workers of neglecting their children because they do not have a home.

What CPS workers fail to realize is that some parents do not have a home because they are poor, not because they are neglecting their children.

A case example of this is a 2006 investigation that was launched in Kentucky against welfare workers who practice the abovementioned tactics.

Accusations were put forward against CPS workers who were intimidating witnesses and hastily giving children up for adoption to their CPS friends and co-workers.

Taxpayers Funded CPS Intimidation Techniques

Child Protection Services is on e of the most profitable businesses in America.

We spend somewhere in the region of $12 billion on the adoption industry.

The money goes to state employees, lawyers, investigators, evaluators and many other CPS personnel. In other words, the financial infrastructure is in place to encourage the confiscation of people’s children.

We really need to question why the state is trying to deny parents their rights and why there is such a determined effort to control our country’s children.

Why is the state paying CPS personnel to intimidate US parents?

This system of intimidation has been put in place by our government as another infrastructure of totalitarian control.

In the future, CPS intimidation techniques will be used against any parent or child that questions the policies of the state.

It’s time to oppose the criminal activities of the CPS and expose this state intimidation tool as the monster that it is.

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