Is all Info on Swine Flu Accurate?
No, the Info on Swine Flu is Not That Accurate if You Listen to the Government.
We have heard all sorts of things from the government about the recent outbreak of swine flu, much of it highly skewed.
The information presented to us was designed to panic us and you could almost hear Chicken Little’s voice clucking in the media about the sky falling.
Let’s look at the real info on swine flu so that we can have a clearer understanding of just what this virus is and, just as importantly, what it is not.
The swine flu is a hybrid flu with mixed DNA from human, swine and avian flu, which tends to indicate that this flu was man-made.
Although the virus has been hyped as this deadly killer, in perspective only 2 people have died in the US from the disease… and only a few hundred in Mexico.
Those victims could have had suppressed immune systems that caused a secondary infection to kill them.
Swine flu has not spread the way the government said it would and it has not killed the vast numbers the government said it would.
Therefore, we must ask ourselves why the government mislead us.
Real Reason Behind the Swine Flu Outbreak
For us to stay informed and not be taken down a dangerous path, we must evaluate the real info on swine flu and understand what is behind this recent outbreak… and the government’s need to induce panic.
This brouhaha that the government started with the swine flu was to create panic and establish a mindset in Americans to accept forced vaccinations, which have proved deadlier than the disease itself.
The goal is to also impose martial law. Forced vaccinations are not really intended to stop the spread of the flu but are designed to get us to readily receive vaccinations.
The goal is to infect us with other diseases, with mercury, human DNA through the use of human embryos and quite likely to receive RFID chips.
We know other vaccines, especially those that are sent to third world countries, have hormones in them that when combined with tetanus and diphtheria vaccines result in sterilization.
The global elite is behind this effort to sterilize and reduce the population dramatically.
Forcibly, if necessary, and therefore it stands to reason that they are behind this recent outbreak of swine flu.
It gives them the opportunity to impose forced vaccinations.
Info on Swine Flu: Arm Ourselves with the Truth
Before we present our arms for these deadly vaccinations we must study the info on swine flu and the global elite… along with their brain trust, the Council on Foreign Relations, if we want to have any sort of future in this country.
We must arm ourselves with the facts, not as the government or the media taint them, but the real facts about what is going on in our world and the real chance that the New World Order will force the entire world into a police state.
The global elite are going after our money, our freedoms and they eventually will be going after us. Forced vaccinations are only a small part of their plan.
Debra December 8, 2020
So what do you have to do with forced vaccines????? Or not???