A One World Alliance Helps whom?
A One World Alliance of the Elite Will Drive Our Freedoms Into the Ground.
A one world alliance is in the forecast for planet Earth.
The real question is whether the population will stand for it.
Not having much education on the subject, people have no real knowledge of the consequences of such an end game.
With a one world government in the offing, with central banks running the show by controlling economies, freedom will be a thing of the past.
But how can it be fought?
Since the general populace has no knowledge of the plan, the implementation can take place covertly and without hindrance.
Those who know about the plan and its history can take actions to stop it before it goes further.
The few who are aware want to enlighten people to the future annihilation of our rights and freedoms.
With this enlightenment comes a certain responsibility to stand by our Constitution and defend our rights.
When more and more people are aware of the plans of those who want a one world alliance, it becomes less possible to push the plan forward.
The idea of these elite few is to gradually and subtly delude the masses into going along with their ideas.
Distracting others from important matters and effectively destroying individuals’ ability to think is being used currently to enable one world plans to go into effect. And it’s working, if you care to look.
Deceptive Tactics
The deceptive tactics in use and gaining strength are numerous and insidious.
They consist of certain government people subsidizing education thus controlling what your children are learning.
Over the past years, education effectiveness has taken a nosedive, easy to see looking at the statistics of education today.
If our kids don’t learn properly, they won’t be able to think, thus won’t be able to look deeper into what is happening on our planet.
This permits a one world alliance to take place right under our noses.
These tactics undermine our freedoms in the most evil way possible. An example is what is happening now in the mass media.
We are deluged with entertainment, news stories, advertisements for drugs and alcohol, promotion for the legalization of marijuana, and much more.
These take our thoughts and guide them where others want them to go.
They make us form our opinions and even our actions, particularly financial decisions.
An alliance permits a select few to dictate our economy, control our government’s actions (definitely not “for the people, by the people”), and run our lives.
We will be under the spell and authority of those who hold the reins of our economy, our politicians and the actions we take in our lives.
One World Alliance
First and foremost, the American public needs to be informed of these methods.
They need to know about the elite few who intend to place us in their control. But it also needs to go further.
Each individual American needs to research all the information and we need to weed out the truth from the lies.
There are volumes of information available if you just look.
After some study, hook up with effective organizations to promote and defend our country’s freedoms and the Constitution to the utmost of your ability.
Never stop working for what our forefathers wanted the American people to have: true freedom.