![A Socialist Country Has a Society Characterized by Equality for all Individuals](https://www.dtss.us/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/A-Socialist-Country-has-A-Society-Characterized-By-Equality-For-All-Individuals-1750x1143.jpeg)
A Socialist Country Has a Society Characterized by Equality for all Individuals
A Socialist Country Has Never Solved the Real Social Problems.
A Socialist Country is not a description that America would have identified with in 1776, but today is a different story.
This country’s current administration has been filled with Democrats and left over Socialists from the old Clinton administration.
“We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to Communism but we can assist their leaders by giving them small amounts of Socialism until they awaken one day to find out they have Communism.”
Russian Premier Khrushchev – 1962
Whether the some inclined to the politics of Socialism, or others wanting to get America out of financial trouble, the recovery process is heading there anyway.
For every foreclosure, liquidation or insolvency, there is a socialist answer, and when the ”critical mass” is reached, the process will just roll on to encompass everybody in America.
“How many times must history repeat itself before we learn that Socialism and Communism cannot work?”
David Limbaugh
America: The Socialist, Fascist, Communist State
It is obvious that a socialist country is going to mean giving the earned wealth, Joe’s and anybody else’s wealth to someone else with no merit to do so.
The Founding Fathers rebelled against England with the Declaration of Independence, for the very reason of creating a free and fair society for every citizen.
The work force of America will use its skills and talents to produce and earn, and then government will take those earnings and redistribute to those who haven’t.
Ultimately, instead of aspiring to the heights, the population is reduced to the lowest common denominator of the poor.
Where Now the Constitution?
The Constitution encompasses the idea of the rule of law and will of the people, giving us the power to determine our governmental future.
The Constitution was intended to hold in check the power of the federal government in respect of the States and the individual.
American has the greatest freedom of any country on earth because the Constitution intentionally limits the government, but not in a socialist country.
It is clear from publicly recorded comment that the current administration is disappointed the civil rights movement stopped short of wealth redistribution.
As this administration progresses through its term of office, close scrutiny should be kept of the endeavors to introduce more socialist measures.
The Slippery Slide to Socialism
”To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.”
Thomas Jefferson
It is all too easy to take simple steps toward a socialist country, particularly when the weight of the economic recession is pushing in that direction.
Nationalizing the industries that are now failing financially; the banking system, the auto industry, the health care industry, and ”loaning” them a lot of taxpayers money is the first step.
Government is already nationalizing the media, with GE, that owns NBC, CNBC and MSNBC – all stations that promote liberal causes, not just reporting the ”news”.
Before the brainwashing happens, let the voice of the Constitution be heard through the people.