![Abolish the Federal Reserve](https://www.dtss.us/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Abolish-The-Federal-Reserve-1750x1143.jpeg)
Abolish the Federal Reserve
Abolish the Federal Reserve to Save America. Only by Disbanding This Criminal Organization Once and for All Will America be Free From Enslavement by the Banking Elite.
To understand calls to abolish the Federal Reserve, one needs to understand first what the Fed is and what it is not.
This bank is not what many people think, because most believe it is owned by the American people and controlled by the U.S. Treasury; they are wrong.
If they think because of the word federal it is a government agency or a state department, they are wrong once more.
If they think that as a reserve it holds gold and silver bullion to back up the U.S. dollar, then they are wrong for the third time.
If they think it is a single, central bank, because of the word bank, wrong again.
In fact the Fed is a private club of super-powerful financiers who, via twelve member banks, own the Fed in its entirety.
Black’s Law Dictionary defines the Federal Reserve System as a network of 12 central banks, to which most national banks belong, and to which state chartered banks may belong.
If one tries to unravel this unholy knot of power and influence, they will be unsuccessful because the names of the ultimate shareholders are anonymous; these men mask themselves with investment firms, which they also own, to keep their names private.
The structure and secrecy surrounding the ownership of the Fed is suspect, but these alone are not the reasons more and more Americans are calling to abolish the Federal Reserve.
Abolish the Fed
Reasons given to abolish the Federal Reserve lie in its enormous power over the U.S. economy and by extension the world economy, as well as its power over the U.S. government.
Yes, the Fed controls the government and not the other way round.
The Fed is quite simple, really. It consists of nothing but buildings and staff. It has no gold or silver or even printing presses.
But it has the only thing it really needs, which is the power to print money. It can print as much as it likes or as little as it likes.
It is the only body in the United States which can order the printing of money. It does not even have to physically produce banknotes.
It can just create money by entering figures into a computer.
But the Fed doesn’t just give this money away; it lends it out, and the largest borrower of this money is the U.S. government itself.
The U.S. government pays interest on this money, out of taxes collected from working people and consumers.
Paying back the principal debt is not part of the plan because it is impossible. Profits are what the Fed is about.
It takes these profits and pays them to the shareholders of the member banks, who lose no time turning these into hard, tangible assets.
But the beneficiaries of the Fed make their huge money by engineering booms and busts.
First, the Fed prints lots of money and makes credit easily available. A boom time follows, with sectors, industries, and businesses starting and expanding.
Then they stop printing money and take money out of the system. Deflation, recession, more deflation, and finally depression follow. Stock markets decline.
Then the Fed makes hay, with the member banks buying up shares and other assets (such as real estate) dirt cheap, and calling in security on loans.
Then they start the cycle all over again. Calls to abolish the Federal Reserve System are not only logical, but the survival of America as a nation depends on it.
How Long
As long as there has been money on Earth, there have been private parties trying to get their hands on the right to print it.
This battle has raged throughout the history of the U.S. However, for roughly 70 years prior to 1913, the currency was safely in the hands of the American people, and growth was real and prolific.
In 1913, the great banking families of the world, using a minor financial crisis to justify their actions, managed to persuade the U.S. government to create the Federal Reserve System as we know it today.
President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law, an action which he regretted profoundly for the rest of his life.
Simultaneously, income tax laws were created so the American people could finance these elite families for the privilege of creating their money out of thin air.
Wilson so regretted the move that today, were he alive, he would surely support demands to abolish the Federal Reserve.
To Stop the Fed
In 1963, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy tried to destroy the Federal Reserve System by issuing Executive Order 11110.
The order returned the constitutional power to the U.S. Treasury to create its own money. But this was not just theoretical money–it was backed by silver and gold.
In terms of the order, the Treasury published $4 billion in U.S. Silver Certificates. With these certificates, JFK intended to pay all the U.S. government’s debts it had to the Fed.
He also knew that since this currency had intrinsic value it would replace the spurious Fed currency.
JFK knew he was taking a risk. Wherever he went he said in speeches that the presidency had been used to foment a plot and that, before he left office, he would inform the U.S. citizens of the untold story.
Kennedy was assassinated in the most suspicious of circumstances in Dallas, Texas, and the Silver Certificates were abruptly withdrawn from circulation.
The Executive Order 11110 still stands. Understandably, no one has ever sought to act on it since.
Is it Possible
The Fed was created by man and therefore we could abolish the Federal Reserve system with the stroke of a pen.
But to abolish the Federal Reserve system, which is so entrenched, will require a popular uprising and possibly a popular flight to other forms of currency, such as gold or silver coins.
It will require politicians, who are currently under the sway of the Fed, to be so threatened they can be forced to heed the Constitution, which is anathema to this kind of system as it clearly gives Congress the power to print money and no one else.
To abolish the Federal Reserve it will take chaos and resolve, but it can be done. After all, the dangers of this happening were evident to wise men over 200 years ago.
”If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States.